Thread Number: 12901
Electrolux query
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Post# 137754   5/27/2011 at 11:22 (4,809 days old) by Real1 ()        

Hi to all you Electrolux collectors and fans! Brief history (you're allowed to sleep through this part); back in the mid 80's I was on a working farm, I came in for lunch one day and was greeted by my wife, my mother-in-law and a Electrolux salesperson (also female). Well you know the outcome there; three against one. My mother-in-law was always an Electrolux fan and she had given us her old Model G in turquoise. Anyway, it pulled the three steel balls and almost the fourth (or whatever the final ball count was).

That wasn't good enough however (according to the women) and we wound up buying the new Diamond Jubilee and accessories. So now fast forward. In the divorce I got the turquoise Model G and she kept the Diamond Jubilee. At first I was jealous, but the DJ bit the dust eventually. I still have Model G! Even more, I bought another one and since the case was in better condition (motor itself though not as strong), transferred my motor assembly to it. Seems like my motor is stronger than most and even after it's shut off, it spins for quite some time...good indication of free bearings.

So my question is this: the Model G now looks like new and I have most of the attachments. I can get a DJ or something from that vintage, but am I really gaining anything in suction? I know the carpet head is probably superior (and of course the little Side Kick is cool), but the plastic body Electrolux models seem to fail more over time, correct? Is there a metal body model with more suction than the 1205?

Post# 137763 , Reply# 1   5/27/2011 at 14:21 (4,809 days old) by kenkart ()        
Believe it or not!!

The tan colored model G from 67 -68, has substantially more power! As far as the newer ones go,I like the Super-J, Olimpia and Silverado best, The Diamond J is the first one to use a motor that was NOT built by them and had poor longevity.

Post# 137777 , Reply# 2   5/27/2011 at 17:47 (4,809 days old) by Real1 ()        

Thanks for the reply! So...I think I have essentially the same machine, correct...the turquoise Model G? I'm really happy to hear this because short of a ShopVac, I'm not sure how you could get more suction out of that diameter hose in a portable canister.:-)

Maybe my goal should be to collect a tan model with all the matching accessories, like I did the turquoise Model G.

Post# 137785 , Reply# 3   5/27/2011 at 19:39 (4,809 days old) by minivanmegafun ()        

kenkart covered pretty much everything, but...

The Diamond J is indeed a metal body lux (probably one of the last); and the Sidekick was an optional accessory.

I have one as my daily driver, it works pretty well, but I do fear the motor may burn out at some point, even if I do take care of it. So far though, it still spins easily and keeps freely spinning after shutdown, hopefully I can keep it going for a few more years.

Post# 137796 , Reply# 4   5/27/2011 at 21:58 (4,809 days old) by Real1 ()        

I'm curious now why kenkart left off the Model 1205 in his 'list'? Was there something peculiar about that model as far as function/longevity?

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