Thread Number: 12875
This guy makes me sick!
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Post# 137540   5/24/2011 at 09:42 (4,950 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

God it was like watching a good freind get crushed. This idiot has posted numerous videos on youtube destroying our vintage gems! Sick sick sick. And he calls it entertainment?

Watch at your own risk :(


Post# 137541 , Reply# 1   5/24/2011 at 09:48 (4,950 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

We already know about him, don't want to know him, many want to "dismantle" him...

'nuff said...

Post# 137545 , Reply# 2   5/24/2011 at 09:53 (4,950 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Derek, you're new here and may haven't seen this thread... (see link below).

I don't want links to videos like this posted here.

Here's the jist of what I said:

Going forward, I would appreciate it if things like this would not get posted on VacuumLand.  I don't personally like what this guy does, and refuse to even watch the videos.  I feel these videos completely contradict the purpose of our website and our reason for existence, thus have no place even really being discussed on these forums.  I'm in no way scolding anyone specifically or singling anyone out... only making generalized statements.

Also, if I recall correctly, posting links of these videos in the past has turned threads into heated drama/argument threads, because what this person does enrages most of us collectors.  I really don't plan on that happening again. 

Thanks for everyone's compliance. 


CLICK HERE TO GO TO HooverCelebrity's LINK

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