Thread Number: 12840
Kirby Classic 1CR bag
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Post# 137220   5/21/2011 at 16:25 (5,018 days old) by Floor-A-Matic (somewhere)        

Whick bag is the correct bag for a Classic 1CR? Mine has a red generic bag (uses Eureka style F & G) & it seems like the vac loses power with the generic bag. Is this normal or is the bag not made for Kirby's high-powered, "carpet-ripping" suction? If the Kirby acts like it has low suction (with generic bag), I'll need the original bag.

Post# 137221 , Reply# 1   5/21/2011 at 16:44 (5,018 days old) by Briankirbyclass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Yes, the generic bags that take the F&G are known for cutting down the suction of a Kirby, and they look strange.
The original correct bag for a Kirby Classic model 1CR would have been the gold cloth bag, with the Sani Scraper pocket in back, with the leather CLASSIC patch in front. These are NLA, but gold colored bags as well as red, blue and black replacments can be had on E-Bay.
When sending a Classic in for a Factory Rebuild, the Factory is replacing all models that used the original Sani Emptor(shake out bag) System with an all black fabric bag.

If you want the filtration and convenience of a paper bag system, id recommend the Mini Emptor System used on the Heritage 2-Legend 2 machines, with the Silver/Gray Heritage 2 bag and G Series fill tube adaptor inside to take the G Series Hepa Bags. This is what i have on my Classic 1CR, and it does NOT cut down the suction power at all that i can tell. Plus the Silver/Gray bag looks sharp on a Classic machine. ( In MHO anyway)

Post# 137229 , Reply# 2   5/21/2011 at 18:50 (5,018 days old) by Kirbyotronic ()        

I'm pretty sure I have a spare original Classic bag w/ the Emptor. If you're interested in it let me know.


Post# 137286 , Reply# 3   5/22/2011 at 14:50 (5,017 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

The original 1-CR bag was a mustard-ey yellow with a patch on it, just like the Classic Omega. Except it just said "Kirby Classic" on it.


Post# 137294 , Reply# 4   5/22/2011 at 15:55 (5,017 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        
Kirby Rebuilds

pr-21's profile picture

I wonder if Kirby when rebuilding and using the new black bag, will also use black trim? I had them rebuild a Kirby 505 and it came back in brown,  but that was years ago. It would be nice to have it in the black like it originally was.



Bud Mattingly

Post# 137300 , Reply# 5   5/22/2011 at 16:56 (5,017 days old) by Briankirbyclass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
I receintly sent in a Classic Omega for a Factory Rebuild, and it came back with a black bag, with the Rosewood brown bag top and a black bag guard ring around the Sani Emptor. The bottom lid of the Sani Emptor was also black.

Post# 137325 , Reply# 6   5/22/2011 at 21:47 (5,017 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
Classic, Rebuild at Kirby!

I had one done at Kirby (a 1CR Classic). It came back with everything org. in
color except the bag. It was black. I had sent it with a very, nice like new
org. Gold Bag. They put the new black one on and very kindly sent the org. bag
back with the rebuilt vacuum. They will send you a final letter agreement before
the rebuild begins. At that time, if you phone them, you can question them as to
what current stock in parts and policy is. At which time you will know what is going to happen. Other wise you can make a request from what is available.

Post# 137344 , Reply# 7   5/22/2011 at 23:33 (5,017 days old) by Red_October ()        

I wasn't aware such an animal as a bag for a Kirby to change the type of bag it uses existed. Were they intended for penny-pinchers to buy cheap Eureka bags instead of Kirby bags, or do they come from the era before Kirby offered disposable bags? Also the F&G style bags always struck me as a bit shitty, honestly like making them that way was the lazy way to get a top-fill design on a cleaner that probably was designed to take a bottom-fill bag. There are probably other cleaners out there hamstrung by rubbish bags, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

Post# 137362 , Reply# 8   5/23/2011 at 03:50 (5,017 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

The F&G bag system made for Kirbys predated the Tradition and it's bag system, they were made to make the Kirby more convenient to empty, aswell as making work for some vac dealers, personally I see them as an abomination on a Kirby, they took away the original bag setup (Bag, bag top, bag hanger, bag guard, sani-emtor et all), and replaced it with something that had been altered from spares made originally for Eurekas... :\

On an actual Eureka the F&G setup is fine (just don't pick up anything that may pierce the paper tube, like I did the other day and had a nice big dust storm in my Sanitaire's bag!!!), though these days the ST bag conversion is much better, especially when you use the Filtrete ST bags, the Sanitaire becomes a real rug muncher when fitted with those!!! :D

(heck, even my Kirby bag conversion (adding a Kirby Style-3 filltube & using the white polypropylene bags) on my 'taire ages ago made it a pretty powerful beast, the ST bag is supposed to be bigger too, so more surface area for more airflow, coupled with high filtration)

Post# 138997 , Reply# 9   6/8/2011 at 16:01 (5,000 days old) by floor-a-matic (somewhere)        
Kirby Classic bag

Is this the one I need or is it the one with the 1960s-era Kirby emblems all over the bag?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO floor-a-matic's LINK on eBay

Post# 139026 , Reply# 10   6/8/2011 at 17:19 (5,000 days old) by bnsd60m9200 (Akron OH)        

bnsd60m9200's profile picture
see link below...

the bag is bojacked, although not a bad color. its pretty close to the original though not as yellow. the sani emtor and bag topper ARE original, however.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO bnsd60m9200's LINK on eBay

Post# 139155 , Reply# 11   6/9/2011 at 13:10 (4,999 days old) by a007kirbyman (--->> Originally My Mom <<--- (now Wisconsin))        
Floor-a-matic & 1CR bag...

a007kirbyman's profile picture
"...Is this the one I need ..."

Hello Erik,

The Kirby 1CR bag in the eBay link you posted, would be an original Genuine for that model of Kirby.

The version w/ the 'Logo patch' has not made for decades, even the 'plain' gold Kirby replacement is no longer made. Any you may come across, would be NOS. I sold the last one I had last year, not knowing they were NLA.

Let me know if I may be of further assistance. My email is viewable in my profile.

I hope this helps you, Erik.

Cheers & hagd all,


Post# 248446 , Reply# 12   8/30/2013 at 20:43 (4,186 days old) by jamesbond007 (Irwin, PA.)        
Brand new Kirby 1CR bag

jamesbond007's profile picture
Hi , Newbie here, I have sold those Kirby's(classic) when I was 17 I have the Classic and 2 bags and ALL of the extras including the Butler I did get rid of the shag fluffier not or never needed. I also have the Heritage II and ALL its attachments as well including two new bags one the Heritage II and Heritage II Legend. Question What would a Brand new classic bag go for?

Post# 248464 , Reply# 13   8/31/2013 at 02:29 (4,186 days old) by chan55 (Green Bay, WI)        
Kirby bag

I had my Classic 3 converted to the F and G system years ago, and My Kirby never worked right after that. The bags kept exploding inside the outer bag. I got rid of my Kirby after that. Big mistake.

Post# 248465 , Reply# 14   8/31/2013 at 02:50 (4,186 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I have one of those DVC outer bags for the Kirbys that use F&G bags-got it from a box of "stuff" from a former Kirby dealer trade ins.It does reduce the efficiency of the Kirby.Don't recommend the DVC F&G conversion bag for the Kirby.
Agreed-the ST filtrete bags are the best things going for Sanitaire users.My Sanitaire "Contractor" version has this type of bag.BIG IMPROVEMENT!!

Post# 252375 , Reply# 15   10/8/2013 at 20:10 (4,147 days old) by paperloader ()        

My brother gave me a Classic 1cr that was converted to a f&g bag decades ago. It works great, better than the Hoover that I had. The Hoover I had died after a year or so and the Kirby is still working after 40 years. That is amazing.

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