Thread Number: 12822
Old Rainbow R-1024 Power Nozzle Decals
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Post# 137063   5/19/2011 at 19:15 (4,990 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Have any of you Rainbow-Rexair collectors been disappointed that whenever a Rainbow R-1024 power nozzle (by Eureka) is being refurbished, that the front decal used in original production has to be removed in order for the nozzle to be fully repaired?

And the decal all Rainbow service centers use appears to be the one originally used from 1976 to 1979.

(Some information by Tom Gasko)

R-1024A (1974) and R-1024B (1975) both had a light woodgrain decal with "Rexair" script on lower left corner.

R-1024C (1976-1978) substitutes the "Rainbow" name for the "Rexair" name. Same light woodgrain background.

R-1024F (January-August 1979) changes from a light woodgrain background to a dark woodgrain background.

R-1024F (September 1979-June 1980) - has, now on a solid dark brown background, four yellow-orange gradient stripes (silver, yellow, orange, red) on center of decal, with the Rainbow script above them.

R-1024G (July 1980-February 1981) - on the same solid dark brown background, seven rainbow gradient horizontal stripes (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), and the Rainbow script below the stripes on the center of decal.

ATTACHED PHOTO: R-1024F with second version of decal as used on the latter run of the MY1979 D2, and the (first half MY1980 only) D2A. Photo is courtesy of Rugmaster37.


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