Thread Number: 12821
Electrolux Super J question
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Post# 137057   5/19/2011 at 18:10 (4,895 days old) by timborow (Georgia)        

I have a Super J that I have just had tuned up. It runs great and the suction is wonderful. I have thought about buying a central vac hose to use with it. Has anyone ever done this? Does it retain suction through the long hose? What do you guys think?

Post# 137059 , Reply# 1   5/19/2011 at 18:49 (4,895 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        

djtaylor's profile picture
Bad idea. The longer the hose the more suction you loose.

Post# 137065 , Reply# 2   5/19/2011 at 19:51 (4,895 days old) by timborow (Georgia)        

I kind of thought that, but I had never tried it before. It would make vacuuming so much easier since I wouldn't be pulling the heavy tank behind me. I'm thinking about trading it in on a newer light weight canister (Miele maybe).

Post# 137069 , Reply# 3   5/19/2011 at 21:24 (4,895 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
That Electrolux will have enough suction to give you a good amount at the end of a central vac hose. I'm sure of it. Maybe someone who has actually tried it though can confirm it.

Post# 137074 , Reply# 4   5/19/2011 at 22:00 (4,895 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
There are more than a few of us that have made up 10, 20, 30, 40 and even 50 foot hoses from new stock with barely discernible loss of suction or airflow, especially when used with a powerful vacuum such as an Air-Way, Filter Queen, Compact, Rainbow, Electrolux etc.

The trick is to use sturdy non-contracting flexible vinyl clad hose stock, as Hans did with his newly restored Electrolux 89. Most quality central vac hose has these attributes especially in the electrified versions. The interior channel is relatively smooth. The Royal tank crushproof hose is a particularly good design, being two interlocking coil strips.

Vacu-formed extruded plastic hose such as supplied with the low end Miele (and cheap chinavacuums - which the Miele is not) are the ones that chop up & weaken the airflow because the interior airway is essentially a mirror image of the outer surface - too many high ridges and deep valleys that cause the 'air column' to oscillate disturbingly.

Modern thin vinyl stretch hoses used on uprights, the New Constellation and RV/Boat units that self-contract under load are entirely unsuitable.

It's our loss that Hoover Ultra-Flex stock is no longer made :-(


Post# 137210 , Reply# 5   5/21/2011 at 15:04 (4,893 days old) by beerad (Beautiful Vancouver BC)        

If you get a central vac hose and connect it up to your super J it will have decent suction atvthe end of the hose. (It may reduce when the bag gets half full though). I have a vid on youtube of a 30 ft hose I hooked up to my Filter Queen.If you go to youtube and enter "Filterqueen central vac" it will take you to that vid of me vacuuming a large room with it. I had very strong suction at the hose end.If you do this , maybe you could a vid and post it to youtube??



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