Thread Number: 12810
Looking for Hoover Dimension 1000 parts
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Post# 136952   5/18/2011 at 19:37 (4,991 days old) by mjsosins ()        

Hi Everybody! This is my first post on here.

My grandmother asked that I take her Hoover Dimension 1000 canister vac in to be repaired after it lost power and the guy at the shop said he couldn't get the parts for it anymore. He said I would need either the retractable cord reel or the control panel replaced. If any one knows where to find these, please respond. I would be willing to trade my spare Quadraflex Powermatic head for the right parts.

Post# 136957 , Reply# 1   5/18/2011 at 20:25 (4,991 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

What does the cleaner do or not do? What's wrong with it? 

What's the model number and serial number of the cleaner?


I am not 100% certain, but the guy at the repair shop may have told you what he told you because he didn't want to work on the cleaner.  You may try taking it to another repair shop -- perhaps one of the stores that used to be a Hoover store -- if you have any in your area that are still operating as an independent vacuum store. 


I would be certain that the printed circuit boards are NLA, but the cord reel may still be available, or you may be able to scrap one out of a different machine.  I seem to recall that the Concept 1 used the same cord winder, but I could be wrong.  I would imagine it could be just a problem with the cord; as that would be a more likely thing to break than the printed circuit board.


Those machines are hard to come-by, they're either dead or more likely--still in use.



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