Thread Number: 12806
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Post# 136910   5/18/2011 at 14:06 (4,926 days old) by encorevacuums (New Port Richey, FL)        

Due to lack of space in our apartment I have decided to scale back my small vacuum collection. I've had some pretty back luck trying to sell other vintage vacuums on eBay. I'd like to offer this vacuum to my collector friends here on the VCCC club site. As you can see from the pictures the machine is in pretty good shape. The motor and brush roll have been completely rebuilt, cleaned and greased. The handle is not from a 63 and the cord is a replacement cord. The rest of the vacuum including all the attachments, are original. In fact the attachments have never been used before I got the vacuum 3 years ago Christmas. They are virtually brand new. If anyone is interested in the machine please send me an email with any questions and make me an offer. I have a desired price in mind however I'm not sure what the vacuum is worth in today's market of vintage Hoover 63's. Please feel free to contact me @


Post# 136911 , Reply# 1   5/18/2011 at 14:07 (4,926 days old) by encorevacuums (New Port Richey, FL)        

Here is another view.

Post# 136912 , Reply# 2   5/18/2011 at 14:08 (4,926 days old) by encorevacuums (New Port Richey, FL)        

and yet another view.

Post# 136913 , Reply# 3   5/18/2011 at 14:08 (4,926 days old) by encorevacuums (New Port Richey, FL)        

one more:

Post# 136914 , Reply# 4   5/18/2011 at 14:09 (4,926 days old) by encorevacuums (New Port Richey, FL)        

Almost done:

Post# 136915 , Reply# 5   5/18/2011 at 14:10 (4,926 days old) by encorevacuums (New Port Richey, FL)        

Last one, I promise!

Post# 136917 , Reply# 6   5/18/2011 at 14:32 (4,926 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi Michael, Nice looking vac.
But shouldn't it have gone in the vintage section lol

But I'm sure you will sell it anyway:o)


Post# 136918 , Reply# 7   5/18/2011 at 14:38 (4,926 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Ohh Michael, that's a beautiful set! If I had more room and more money, I'd love to have it. I'm sure you won't have any trouble attracting a reasonable offer on it.


As for eBay, that can be unpredictable -- you could get a big return on it if a couple of "deep pockets" buyers get into a bidding war over it, but there's no guarantee that that will happen. Indeed, in the current economy -- and with some of the "big time players" apparently having completely filled up their storage silos -- it's been quite a while since I saw an eBay listing where the winning bid raised my eyebrows. Good luck with it! :)


Post# 136931 , Reply# 8   5/18/2011 at 17:33 (4,926 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Moved to Vintage Forum

Post# 137037 , Reply# 9   5/19/2011 at 15:35 (4,925 days old) by kittingerhoover ()        
I can attest....

This was a top notch cleaner when I shipped it to Michael. I personally rebuilt this for Michael and if you purchase it you are getting a magnificent machine that ran just as it should of when it left my hands. The attachments were new, I got them a long time ago, and passed them on to him when he got the machine. The hood was sanded, repaired and polished to a high luster shine. The agitator was fully rebult and the motor was serviced fully. I did not repaint the base, as I feel that it makes it lose value. Some patina is to be expected on a machine of this age.

Michael it is hard to beleive that was 3 years ago. Like I said before I wish you the best always. You are a good friend, and I hope it brings what you want it to.

Post# 137108 , Reply# 10   5/20/2011 at 13:25 (4,924 days old) by encorevacuums (New Port Richey, FL)        

Thanks so much for the testimonial. Yes you did an excellent job of rebuilding the machine. It has been the favorite in my small collection since you sent it to me. However it sits in a closet where no one can see it, “what a shame!” Therefore I’ve decided to offer it to our collector friends on this site. I have had such bad luck selling vintage machines on eBay. The buyers today are using eBay like a department store. No matter what you say in your ad to describe the item to the best of your ability along with copious pictures, if it’s not just what they are looking for once they get it they think nothing of opening a case with eBay and comment that it was not meet their expectations. I have had that happen on 3 separate occasions (back-to-back) and eBay sided with the buyer in every case. I don’t want that to happen to our beautiful Hoover 63. You put too much time, love & effort into her restoration. I only hope that someone from the vac club would want it for their own collection.

Post# 137109 , Reply# 11   5/20/2011 at 13:29 (4,924 days old) by encorevacuums (New Port Richey, FL)        

Thanks for moving the ad. I should have come to you first with my dilemma!!

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