Thread Number: 12794
KIRBY Handle fork spring for 505-515 Models
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Post# 136818   5/17/2011 at 18:48 (4,906 days old) by tom519 (Long Island, New York )        

Has anybody ever changed a handle fork spring on a Kirby 505-515? I actually have done it twice with the special tools Kirby makes, but it never seems to be tight enough, so the handle doesn't really spring back up like the newer models, it actually will fall down if you let go about halfway. There is also no way to adjust the tension. I wound it one whole turn like the manual said, so it's impossible to wind it any tighter than that. Just wondering if anyone else has done it, and what the results were.

Post# 136920 , Reply# 1   5/18/2011 at 15:10 (4,905 days old) by kirbyvacuum (Long Island New York)        
Kirby Repair

Hi Tom i was told by my Kirby repair man it is a very hard repair to do. He said they would just replace the entire spring. i have a 519 in need of that same repair. However it is just out on display.Take care Doug

Post# 137008 , Reply# 2   5/19/2011 at 07:57 (4,905 days old) by DeliriousDan ()        

Where can one get the Kirby tool?

Post# 137015 , Reply# 3   5/19/2011 at 09:26 (4,904 days old) by ralph (Morgan Hill)        

Here is one of the tools. He ships very quickly; my order got to me in two days.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO ralph's LINK on eBay

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