Thread Number: 12781
Interesting Electrolux Dream
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Post# 136736   5/16/2011 at 12:45 (4,899 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Last night I dreamed that I was using a Model XXX that seemed to have a faster-running motor than normal. I was curious about that, so I took off the front cover while the machine was still running to see if it was running at a higher pitch because the hose was clogged. (Why didn't I just remove the hose from the front cover? Because it was a dream!)

When I pulled off the cover, to my amazement the motor stopped. "What tha--?" I looked into the bag chamber. I saw two little slider switches in the innermost edge of the chrome rim that the cover attaches to. Each switch was inset into an oval aluminum plate about 3/4" long.

Engraved into one switch was "Auto Shut-off" with an arrow pointing toward the right. The switch was oriented toward the right, e.g., the automatic shut-off feature was engaged. I pushed the switch to the left and, sure enough, the motor started up!

The aluminum plate for the other switch was marked "LX-XXX" with an arrow pointing to the left for "LX" and an arrow pointing to the right for "XXX." And, yes, the switch was pointed toward the "XXX" side. The lettering on both plates was black and the arrows were red.

I thought to myself, "Well I'll be a monkey's uncle! So Electrolux came up with the automatic motor shut-off with the LX =and= the late-model XXX!" But then it occurred to me this was not the late-model XXX done in blue, but the 1949 version in gray. So then I figured the switch must have been an after-market add-on. Even still, I was just floored to see this feature as I had had no idea it had ever been devised for the XXX.
The dream was so vivid that I have a clear mental picture of what the switches looked like, and here they are! I created these in Photoshop from bits and pieces of various switches and switch plates I found by Googling.

Post# 136741 , Reply# 1   5/16/2011 at 15:17 (4,898 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

I like those switches, I must say, but I'm curious about the "XXX-LX" switch. What function would it perform, I wonder? Would it cause the front cover and bag of the XXX to come shooting off like the LX ejection function?


I've had similar dreams of familiar vacuums with odd features, or the "perfect" version of a familiar vacuum.

Post# 136742 , Reply# 2   5/16/2011 at 15:47 (4,898 days old) by trebor ()        
What does it mean?

Freud said that dreams are the royal road the unconscious. Jung placed even more importance on them. As someone who has studied drams for 30 years and practiced interpreting them for myself and others, I would say this dream is highly significant, given the vividness and clarity with which it was articulated.

Vacuum cleaners are a mundane object to most people. The model 30 is a prized antique to a vaccum aficianado.

I would say the dream signifies old patterns of thinking and reacting are being examined from the inside out, and the dreamer has attained new awarenesses and abilities to 'turn off' old limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior so as to be able to engage life more creatively than ever before. Interesting that a vacuum cleaner is used to suck up debris and clean out spaces. I see this as very encouraging and exciting. You have much to look forawrd to.

Not a deep analysis by any means, nor an especially personal one, which even if I could do based on no more that this I would not do in sych a public forum, especially unasked. It is after all, only an opinion, but very often in the past I have been spot on. I hope you find encoragement in what I said. It is certainly the spirit in which it is intended.



P.S. Charlie, if you are interested in discussing the dream further you are welcometo e-mail me privately

Post# 136753 , Reply# 3   5/16/2011 at 19:36 (4,898 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




While not one to dismiss the significance of Freudian drean analysis, I can account for the general topic of the subject dream -- an Electrolux motor sounding faster than it should -- with a fairly mundane explanation.


I decided to use one of my Model Es for my most recent floor care extravaganza. One that contains a donor motor from a late Model F. That motor is more powerful and runs at a higher rate of speed than the E motor (which is the same motor as the late XXX, LX and early E-A).


When using the machine for an extended period of time for the first time the other night, I kept feeling a bit perturbed at the sound of the motor, and I did actually remove the hose to see if it was clogged! It was fine; it runs faster simply because, well, it runs faster. ! then went to bed with thoughts of fast-running Model Es in my head, and voila -- said dream.


I will also say, the dreams that I remember are always very vivid and clear -- I dream in high-definition technicolor and digital surround-sound. I frequently have lucid dreams, e.g., dreams in which I know I am dreaming, and even, occasionally, dreams within dreams, e.g., I am dreaming that I am asleep and dreaming. Waking from these types of dreams is occasionally a bit unsettling as my sleepy mind tries to sort out the various levels of reality.


Sometimes my dreams make sense and sometimes they don't. I rarely have nightmares per se, but do occasionally have dreams that are troubling or disturbing in some way. Usually when I've eaten something like chili nachos late in the evening.


I had a dream the other night where I was a passenger on an airplane. The flight attendant was making an announcement about the plane being delayed. She said, "The reason for our delay today, ladies and gentlemen, is--"


I interrupted her and called out, "--our incompetent maintenance crew."


The moment I said that, I got a tickly feeling in my stomach, fearful that I was going to get into trouble for making a scene on the airplane. Another example of dreams reflecting reality if you've read news stories about airline passengers making idle comments and finding themselves being pulled aside for interrogation by TSA.


And speaking of nachos, a good recipe for them will follow forthwith!


Post# 136754 , Reply# 4   5/16/2011 at 19:52 (4,898 days old) by Trebor ()        


The analysis is not necessarily Freudian. I just mentioned the Dr.s quote. My framework of interpretation is that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, and longing to resolve the spirit/body dichotomy. The most mundane dreams often contain more clues about our progress than more strange and flamboyant ones. Your recent Theramin gig, for example, could very well be an opening into greater creative expression through transcending perceived limitations, and the medium of expression for that awareness is the model 30 with the switches. We so often short circuit our highest and best impulses because the ego fears losing control. My intuition tells me you are on the verge of a tremendous personal and professional breakthrough, but it's your dream, and your journey, so as you wish, my friend.

I am a touch envious of your lucid dreaming experiences because they happen to me so infrequently. I have had multi-dimensional dreaming experiences, some recalled with great clarity and vividness, and some with only the fuzzy recollection that I was definitely not on the earth plane.




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