Thread Number: 12750
Vac Parts, Hoover Shake-Out Bags, etc.
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Post# 136334   5/12/2011 at 19:19 (4,824 days old) by bvac6 (Fort Wayne, Indiana)        

bvac6's profile picture
Hello everyone in vac land, I just joined up and I was really anxious to let everyone know that I found a vac part website that offers the DVC replacements to the old shakeout bags for Hoover. I bought a couple of what they described as the "round opening" bags and replaced the ugly bag on my Hoover 300. But they have tons of other, including the commercial repalcements for the 918. They also had repalcement bag rings, plastic ones, I know from expeirience that the metal tabs on these rings can break off easily. Anyway, the webaddress is posted that leads directly to the page with the bags on it. I look forward to sharing info and expieriences with fellow collectors (And when I get my digital camera working I will post my collection) :) Woot!


Post# 136343 , Reply# 1   5/12/2011 at 20:30 (4,824 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

There you are! I've been looking for you in the member's profile. Next time you log on - the forum will be different looking for you!

Glad you are here, Robert.

PS: You can ignore the "shoot me an E-mail thingy" in your welcome thread...

PSS: I mean you can if you want but you don't have to.

PSSS: The E-mail, not the ignore.

Post# 136344 , Reply# 2   5/12/2011 at 20:31 (4,824 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        


Thanks for the link!


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