Thread Number: 12743
Modern Hygiene
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Post# 136266   5/12/2011 at 02:19 (5,021 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Questions for Anyone that has a MH in their collection, or ever used one.
About what year did they first come on the market?
Were they a door to door sale or were they avalible in stores?
Are they a Royal made machine?
Are they as heavy and cumbersome as they look?
Was there a paper filter bag or a shake out bag?
Were there seperate filters?
Do the attachments fit other machines, such as the Electro Hygiene, ect, Royal Tank,,ect.
I understand they had a very quiet motor,,are they as quiet as a filter Queen or Lux Model G?
What is the suction like? Poor or strong?
What are/were the selling features? What made them special or different from other vacs of the time?
About what year were they discontinued?
Thanks in advance!

Post# 136301 , Reply# 1   5/12/2011 at 14:31 (5,020 days old) by kenkart ()        
Im not sure!!

About everything, but yes it is a Royal-esque machine, pretty sure it was built by them, for the Modern Hygiene Co, I do know Modern Hygienes were made before the war, but not the familiar square tank, they were a very Royal like round tank, The square machine was made post war, I know as early as 48, and I have a ad for it in a 1954 Good Houskeeping,it was a door to door machine, fairly quiet, but not as quiet as a FQ or a ModelG, It is heavier and more cumbersome than it looks, and is powerful, but no more than a regular Royal, cloth shake out bag,with paper liners ,could be used either way, round flocked filter behind the bag, the attachments are all Royal, but better looking with a big MH cast into them, hope this helps..Hans

Post# 136410 , Reply# 2   5/13/2011 at 11:15 (5,020 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Thank you very much, that does help alot! I agree, the Modern Hygiene is a good looking machine.

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