Thread Number: 12698
Rare Kirby on eBay
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Post# 135743   5/8/2011 at 12:00 (5,031 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Well, I fully expected the bidding to be far more aggressive on this Kirby than it proved to be. This is one of the "R" - "Retail" series of pre-500-series Kirbys sold in retail stores. The on-off switch is in the handle; the cord goes from the motor up through the handle. There were four R models - R, 1R, 2R, 3R and 4R, corresponding to the four C models (C, 1C, 2C, 3C and 4C) sold door to door.


I am not sure of the exact dates of the four R and C models; I just know that the Models C and R came out in 1935 and the 2C and 2R in 1939.


When the first 500-series model came out, the 505 in 1945, Kirbys were no longer sold in stores but exclusively by home demonstration.


Thus, the four R models -- being the only Kirbys ever sold in retail stores -- are quite rare. Even besides their early date of manufacture.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK on eBay

Post# 135749 , Reply# 1   5/8/2011 at 12:48 (5,031 days old) by Oreck_XL (Brooklyn, New York 11211)        

oreck_xl's profile picture
This is just a guess, but perhaps the bidding wasn't as fierce because it doesn't have the original duvetyne bag?

- Hershel

Post# 135781 , Reply# 2   5/8/2011 at 17:38 (5,031 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

One would think the price would go at LEAST 2 times that. That is unbelievably low for such a rare machine.

Some lucky bugger! :P

They are out there in basements and old vacuum stores. Keep ye eyes open and one day, you will strike gold!

Post# 135801 , Reply# 3   5/8/2011 at 20:21 (5,031 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        


Personally, I thought that even though the bag was replaced, the machine was still very desirable and I fully expected it to go much higher. That's an old replacement bag and appears to be in excellent condition. Oh well!

Then here's a beautiful Electrolux XXX that also did far less than I would have expected. It looks to be in practically mint condition with the original hose (granted, with a flaw but that could have been fairly easily remedied). And there's a very rare accessory, the salesman's carrying case.

I asked an Electrolux old-timer why the ends of the case were hollow and he said it was for a bit of "mystery" -- to make people get a glimpse of something chrome and shiny inside and wonder what was in there. (The cord winder would not have been attached as it is here.)

And speaking of cord winders, this one is a real beauty! Doesn't appear to have a scratch on it.

Maybe it's the recession, or maybe it's that there are fewer collectors now who are willing to spend big sums on vacuum cleaners.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK on eBay

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