Thread Number: 12697
I have never seen a Hoover like this before
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Post# 135740   5/8/2011 at 11:06 (4,961 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

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This New Zealand Hoover has appeared on the Yahoo group Hooverland in the last day or so.

If Micheaelwalter29, the member from over there is also a member of Vacuumland, then my acknowledgement that the photo is yours - I am confident that members here will be very interested.

This is what Michael has to say about it "Hi All, Today I bought this near unused Hoover 407 off trade me. This model like all hoovers in the 70's were made under licence by Fisher & Paykel. This model relates to year 1978"

Now I have NEVER seen a Hoover like this before. The handle, switch and apparent size indicate a relationship to the Hoover 427 cannister, and to an extent the tools (427 never had a suction control and at the time the carpet/floor nozzle was TOL rather than BOL). But otherwise it is completely different to any other Hoover cleaner I have seen. To my knowledge the only Hoover cannister to have twin cover fixings in this manner was the Hooverette/Lark, and for a machine in the late 1970s it looks more like mid 1960s. It just goes to show that there are still a myrid of models out there we know nothing about


Post# 135741 , Reply# 1   5/8/2011 at 11:13 (4,961 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

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I should add that there have been earlier discussions over in Hooverland about how, in New Zealand, they had Hoovers assembled under lisence by F&P, but these appeared to be sourced from US components, as they had, for example the "tilted" Connie, which did not appear in Europe.


Post# 135744 , Reply# 2   5/8/2011 at 12:00 (4,961 days old) by bagintheback (Flagstaff, Arizona)        

bagintheback's profile picture
Wow, that is very interesting indeed. The hose and wands look like US Hoover parts with the clips. The upholstery tool looks like late-70s 80s US tool. So the date seems in line. I've seen that floor nozzle on UK machines many times. But I've never seen the tank itself, it's not very hoover-like. I'm eager to hear more on this machine.

Post# 135746 , Reply# 3   5/8/2011 at 12:27 (4,961 days old) by Automatic-Shift ()        

Well, it does retain vestiges to its American counterpart; Constellation handle, and hose of the era. However, the clips are a bit older, but maybe not. In all, foreign Hoover is always new and exciting to find.

Post# 135774 , Reply# 4   5/8/2011 at 16:58 (4,961 days old) by turbomaster1984 (Ripley, Derbyshire)        

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Al I may be wrong because I cannot find the picture I have of ours but it screams Hollandia DeLuxe to me although I can appreciate the hose diameter is way much smaller than Hoover's was.

In general the machine looks very similar FWIR to the Hollandia dl.

Should I find the picture I had of ours il post it but do forgive me if im wrong.

Nice colourway though,

Post# 135792 , Reply# 5   5/8/2011 at 19:16 (4,961 days old) by DysonAnimal ()        

Thanks for posting the pic, Al - I've certainly never seen that model of Hoover before. An interesting mix of Hoover and 'other' components! As you say, in so many ways, we 'vacuum historians' are barely at the tip of the iceberg...

Post# 253319 , Reply# 6   10/19/2013 at 20:25 (4,066 days old) by michaelwalter (christchurch, new zealand)        

michaelwalter's profile picture
Hi guys

I've just joined vacuumland in the last month or so and am still working out how to drive through the site.

I'm glad the hoover has created intrigue!. The design followed on from the Goblin ace that was sold here in the 60s and discontinued in 1972. Almost everything about it, its shape, layout, bag etc is identical only to be modernised with the vinyl hose, suction control, hoover tools and colour scheme to match the late 70's.

It was the cheapest cylinder cleaner at the time, according to consumer magazine article / tests. It retailed for $99.00 whereas the Hoover junior was $137 inc of tools.

Many thanks for the wonderful site and it's great to see so much activity.


Post# 253330 , Reply# 7   10/20/2013 at 02:23 (4,066 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

vacbear58's profile picture
Michael, its great that you have "found" us at last. I know from the Hooverland days that you have many more interesting cleaners and I am sure many here will be interested to see them.


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