Thread Number: 12684
Kenmore 2799 with Powermate 166.27180 parts question
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Post# 135590   5/7/2011 at 00:51 (4,829 days old) by Mattl ()        

Just picked up a Kenmore 2799 vac with powerhead from my cousin. She is handling the estate of an elderly Professor in Chicago, people went through the stuff and it was passed over by everyone including Goodwill, have no idea why it looks like new. Couldn't see it go to the trash, so I claimed it.

Anyway got it home and did a bit of cleanup on it and took a look to see why it was not used, by the Prof., he replaced it with an Orek of all things. Basically the powerhead was partially plugged , needs a belt and a light bulb. Plus when I opened it up the nylon fitting that engages with the height selector fell out. It had cracked but it had a hole through the middle and I zip tied it in place and it seemed to work for a while. when I went to put the hard to find belt in I noticed it had cracked again and was beyond repair. Looked on the sears site and while 99% of the items are NLA they do have a part called a ratchet that is marked as a substitute for the original. Does anyone know if this is the part I need? It looks nothing like what was there.

Looks like a nice vac, great suction - more than I expected. The hose is a bit stiff, but I guess there in no much that can be done about that.

Post# 135870 , Reply# 1   5/9/2011 at 12:43 (4,827 days old) by Kenmore81 (Warwick, RI)        

kenmore81's profile picture
I belive the part Sears has will work. :) it stinks that they discontinue so many parts for thread great vacuums. Can you show us the Vac pretty please lol.

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