Thread Number: 12662
Wards Clean anywhere Vac
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Post# 135334   5/4/2011 at 20:27 (5,005 days old) by fanonthefloor (Augusta,Georgia)        

Saw this 1977 Wards commercial and it showed a wards brand regina looking electricbroom with electik brush. has any one used them.
Skip to 0:46 to see the comercial.

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Post# 135335 , Reply# 1   5/4/2011 at 20:30 (5,005 days old) by thevacuumman (Borger, TX)        

thevacuumman's profile picture
I have a electricbroom with the pn and it does a good job for in between vacuumings it does fluff up the carpet

Post# 135336 , Reply# 2   5/4/2011 at 20:32 (5,005 days old) by thevacuumman (Borger, TX)        

thevacuumman's profile picture
BTW that vac in the commercial is a hoover

Post# 135337 , Reply# 3   5/4/2011 at 20:32 (5,005 days old) by fanonthefloor (Augusta,Georgia)        

im talking about the wards model the electricbrooms are very good for small cacuums as others have stated

Post# 135338 , Reply# 4   5/4/2011 at 20:36 (5,005 days old) by fanonthefloor (Augusta,Georgia)        

yea i just saw that

Post# 135360 , Reply# 5   5/5/2011 at 02:20 (5,005 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Hope the lady rinsed out the hose and drum after she picked up the milk with the SV!!-The BD "5 one halfer" a lightweight circular saw designed for women and finish carpenters-has a 5 one half in blade instead of 7 one quarter in.Have one in my power tool is a handy machine for trim and shelving,plywood.And of course the Electricbroom powernozzle ac in Wards clothing!On the saw-Skil made a similar machine.Now such machines of that blade size are cordless!

Post# 135693 , Reply# 6   5/7/2011 at 20:05 (5,002 days old) by thevacuumlover1 ()        


Post# 135736 , Reply# 7   5/8/2011 at 10:21 (5,001 days old) by jmm63 (Denville, NJ)        

Did anyone notice the price on the Micro Wave was almost $500 and that was with $100 off. I guess I never realized how expensive those things were back then. We didn't get our first microwave until the mid 80's and I think then it was like $250. Times sure have changed!

Post# 135739 , Reply# 8   5/8/2011 at 10:45 (5,001 days old) by fanonthefloor (Augusta,Georgia)        

jim those microwaves very expensive my mom bought ours at wards in 1986 it was probly abot 400 - 500 dollars her final total that day was probly 700 dollars with the vacuum she bought.

Post# 135765 , Reply# 9   5/8/2011 at 14:51 (5,001 days old) by BrianKirbyCLass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Yes, Microwaves were outragousely expensive back in the 70s. We bought a new Amana RadarRange with the "Touchmatic Controls" in Dec of 1978, right after X Mas,,it was 799.00 but did include 4 free lessons on how to use it, and several accessories such as a coffee pot, popcorn popper, griddle,,all for use in the new RadarRange.
Interestingly enough, that particular microwave DID last a good 30 years, without ever needing a repair. It did need a new lightbulb a few times, but that was all.
The control panel finally shot craps, but the actual microwave magnatron tube was still working, if you could get the control panel to get the magnatron to come on. I called an Amana store to see about maybe getting it replaced, and they laughed at me, saying there hadnt been replacement parts avalible for those models for many years now.
Finally trashed the whole thing, but it was the best microwave we ever had.

Post# 135809 , Reply# 10   5/8/2011 at 20:47 (5,001 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        
Stick Vacs with Power Nozzles

eurekaprince's profile picture
I always loved the idea of a lightweight stick vac enhanced by a power nozzle.

It seems that quite a few manufacturers offered this. The most obvious one was the Regina Electrikbrush. But Hoover did the same thing as can be seen with this this Ward's clone.

Of course, the Miele Stick Vac (Universal Upright) can accommodate a Miele power nozzle. And now Sears is selling a wonderful device called the "Glide" which has been very well rated for carpet cleaning and bare floor cleaning by Consumer Reports.

Adding a revolving brush to a stick vac makes it a far more useful "light cleaner." Even the Eureka Quick-Ups and Boss Lites and Dirt Devil stick vacs remove surface litter from carpet more easily when there is some kind of brush roll (however wimpy) to vibrate the carpet.

Post# 135823 , Reply# 11   5/8/2011 at 22:20 (5,001 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I had a miele S147 stick vac with PN, though this is more for the contemporary section. Hated it, it was too heavy, the PN wasn't strong enough, the bags were (and still are) too expensive for their size, and it just wasn't powerful enough for it's power rating (which I forget what it was). Still, only cost me a fiver to buy, and I got more than that when selling... :P

I don't really do stick vacs though, it's like a smaller, weaker vac that doesn't do as good a job as a full size one, might aswell just use a Hoover junior or similar, which I do... :P

Really need to paint that wall, got rid of that underlay though...

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