Thread Number: 12636
Last Years of Well-Known Royal Uprights |
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Post# 135100   5/2/2011 at 21:51 (5,007 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)   |   | |
Some Royal uprights as well as their tanks/canisters have had long production runs. These include uprights models 153, 602, 608, 611, 777, 801, 880 and 903 as well as tanks 401, 931 and 966. The last years of these popular models (at least 10 years in production): 153 = March 1987 602 = August 1985 (replaced by 604 in September 1985) 608 = March 1987 (replaced by 660 series in September 1987) 611 = March 1987 (replaced by 660 series in September 1987) 777 = March 1987 801 = March 1987 880 = March 1987 (replaced by 886 and 887 in April 1987) 903 = March 1987 (replaced by 889 in April 1987) If anyone has a 1986 edition (revision zero) of the Royal complete Household and Commercial Products brochures, please show them here to clarify whether or not the final production dates to these are correct. Thank you, Ben Edge |