Thread Number: 12631
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Post# 135052   5/2/2011 at 17:29 (5,037 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Anyone have any ideas on where to find a cheap tool to pull the bearing off on a Kirby? I have loked locally to no avail.

Post# 135053 , Reply# 1   5/2/2011 at 17:34 (5,037 days old) by vacumaniac ()        

Also, what type of sealent would be recommended for sealing the fan case on the kirby to keep dust out?

Post# 135078 , Reply# 2   5/2/2011 at 19:30 (5,037 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Well, youre gonna need a bearing puller. I know sometimes theyll come with lawnmowers, or in lawn mower tool kits. Kirby sells them, theyre $18. I think its definitely worth it, to replace the bearings in all your Kirbys for $18.

Heck, a vacuum shop would cost you more than that just in labor costs to replace the bearings in ONE vacuum.

Oh, and for post-D80 models, youll need a special fan locking tool, which Kirby also sells.

For any models D80 and before, you can use an ordinary ice pick for a fan locking tool.

I beleive a007kirbyman (Bill) can sell you both of these tools.


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