Thread Number: 12613
Need help determining vacuum year and worth (if any)
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Post# 134916   5/1/2011 at 15:16 (4,922 days old) by cvorachard ()        

I have an old vacuum cleaner by Fairfax. My mom gave it to me approx. 10+ years ago. Not sure why I took it or have been hanging on to it since then but I thought I would try and find out the year of it and if it's worth anything at all. I just don't need it in my attic anymore. It looks to be in great shape and has a box of attachments with it. I'm uploading a picture of it. Any help is appreciated. If you're interested in buying it as well, make me an offer. Thanks.

Post# 135115 , Reply# 1   5/3/2011 at 03:22 (4,921 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Nice machine-and with the storage case-was it marked "made in Fairfax,Va"?

Post# 135133 , Reply# 2   5/3/2011 at 12:32 (4,920 days old) by petek (Ontario)        

You should post a picture of the chest as well closed.. that's an important feature for some who collect vacs.

Post# 135136 , Reply# 3   5/3/2011 at 13:19 (4,920 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




And ... it's hard to tell anything about the condition of this machine with it all stuffed in the hassock. You should take everything out and do a "beauty shot" like this one:

Post# 135137 , Reply# 4   5/3/2011 at 13:19 (4,920 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




or this:


Post# 135144 , Reply# 5   5/3/2011 at 14:32 (4,920 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture



What make of vacuum is that in your post #135137?.  The body of the vac is very similiar to the one that my grandmother had and to the one I tried to describe in another post about the first vacuum we ever had.  The difference is that my grandmother's was a greenish/brown colour but otherwise it looks to be the same.  The angle of the hose inlet/outlets are the same, the screw on hose connector is the same although my grandmother's hose was rubber not woven.  The runners and detachable cord are the same but hers had a different looking set of tools/wands.  Also on hers the on/off swtich was a round black pushbutton about the size of a quarter. 



Post# 135150 , Reply# 6   5/3/2011 at 15:15 (4,920 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




@countryguy it's a Wifa from Norway. See link.


The hose that came with it was a plastic fit-all hose. In an amazing turn of luck I happened to find an original woven cloth hose -- or, at any rate, a hose with the same exact fitting! That's the black hose with the white tracing in the photo above.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK

Post# 135202 , Reply# 7   5/3/2011 at 20:52 (4,920 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
Wifa from Norway? Very interesting but I don't think that would be the same as the one my grandmother had as I don't know how she ever would have gotten one from Sweden. This was back in the 50s after all and my grandparents lived literally in the middle of nowhere, in a small community in Northern Ontario, Canada. Unfortunately I have no way of finding out where they got this Wifa look-a-like from.


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