Thread Number: 12602
Question about wiring on Vintage Vacuums
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Post# 134814   4/30/2011 at 18:17 (4,969 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        

pr-21's profile picture

Sorry if this sounds like something I should already know, but I was wondering about the wiring that goes up through the handle from the motor to the switch on upright vacuums like Hoover and Eureka. Is the wire a low voltage wire like central vacs use to turn on the system or something we should be concerned about, especially if we have to have the main cord replaced? I have to depend on a vacuum shop to do this as I know nothing about wiring a switch or motor for any product, let alone a vintage machine. I know we all want to keep it as original as possible, but sometimes you have to modify it to some degree.


I have noticed on some of my vintage hoovers, that it is just a regular extension cord. I also know that they sometimes just cut part of the cord they are using to run through the handle. I just didn't know whether it was low voltage from motor to the switch in the handle.





Bud Mattingly

Post# 134815 , Reply# 1   4/30/2011 at 18:23 (4,969 days old) by minivanmegafun ()        

I'd be highly doubtful that it's anything other than just a direct shot from the wall, to the switch, to the motor. No one worried about that sort of the safety of handling line voltage - heck, people didn't even worry about it in PCs until the ATX power supply design took over (around 1998)

Honestly, I'd be surprised if modern cleaners aren't different. I know for a fact my Hoover Tempo (c. 2007) is the same setup. Relays are expensive and the risk of setting it up in a more "safe" way isn't usually necessary.

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