Thread Number: 12564
vacuums I have aquired in the past few weeks
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Post# 134400   4/27/2011 at 21:52 (5,035 days old) by goadie12 ()        

these vacs are the vacuums i have gotten in the past few weeks there are two filter queens a kirby DS80 and a lewyt big wheel aswell as a filtex hose thanks mark I also got a electrolux carpet shampooer for a ap200.

Post# 134401 , Reply# 1   4/27/2011 at 21:56 (5,035 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


Great finds! You dont see many of those early filter queens, and that chrome one looks perfect!

Post# 134408 , Reply# 2   4/27/2011 at 22:14 (5,035 days old) by goadie12 ()        

ya i know i love them i now have four vintage filterqueens

Post# 134409 , Reply# 3   4/27/2011 at 22:16 (5,035 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




That brown and chrome Filter Queen was the first model I ever saw. Didn't even know the company existed.


When I was living on Gywnns Island in Virginia (where we moved in 1965), the church initially had an old lady named Fanny Godsey who was the custodian. The church had a Model R Electrolux (with no power nozzle). When Miss Fanny finally waxed her last pew and retired, they hired as a custodial team a young man and his wife who had just moved onto the Island.


One day I was over at the church snooping around. I looked in one of the custodian's closets and what to wondering eyes should appear but a gloriously beautiful chrome and chocolate canister vacuum cleaner, AND a new industrial floor polisher!! Oh my, what treats! Of COURSE, I had to try them both out. I could not believe the suction power the Filter Queen had; and, oh Lordy Be, it had a power nozzle!


I won't say much about the big cast-iron floor polisher except to say that it did not mix well with a scrawny 12-year-old kid.......



Post# 134429 , Reply# 4   4/27/2011 at 22:45 (5,035 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
Nice lineup, Zachary. Giving us other Canadians green vapours of mild envy. :-)

Speaking of green...not 'just' a Big Wheel...that surely looks for all the world like a 1958 Lewyt Model 111 Electronic. I.E. the second power nozzle model with electric hose carrying high amp/low voltage DC. That would be the very definition of 'RARE'.
Any chance you got the electric wands and PN?

Please confirm. You know the Model number is imprinted on the exterior hinge plate.


(and if you ever decide to sell it let me know, please)

Post# 134431 , Reply# 5   4/27/2011 at 22:55 (5,035 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
LOL Dave:

It is the Lewyt 111 same as I have. And without the PN or parts from the look of it (Right Zach?) same as mine too. Those PN's are like hens teeth. (Anyone have a spare or two they want to get rid of???)

Post# 134432 , Reply# 6   4/27/2011 at 23:00 (5,035 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
Could you please post some up close shots of the chrome Filter Queen? And does it have a power nozzle port? If not, then that might have been the model my grandparents bought in the 70's..


Post# 134434 , Reply# 7   4/27/2011 at 23:04 (5,035 days old) by goadie12 ()        

omg your right i had no idea that this came with a power nozzel but after some closer examination i have found that yes it did come with one thanks for pointing that out i had no idea i think it is a model three that is all it says on the back i dont know if that is right but i have realized that the hose has been compermised and i dont think it will pass current anymore it has been cut and no i only have the hose and no attachments.

Post# 134435 , Reply# 8   4/27/2011 at 23:06 (5,035 days old) by goadie12 ()        

more pics of the vacuum

Post# 134436 , Reply# 9   4/27/2011 at 23:07 (5,035 days old) by goadie12 ()        

and the hose

Post# 134454 , Reply# 10   4/28/2011 at 03:37 (5,035 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
I have a model 111 also but mine has a blue hose just like this green one.

Post# 134463 , Reply# 11   4/28/2011 at 06:42 (5,035 days old) by kenkart ()        
That Filter Queen!!!

Is a Chrome model 500, produced between 1955 and 1960, it is rare in that most were gold hammertone painted and were called the Golden Monarch, the chrome model cost the dealer 10.00 more, so there are not nearly as many of them, and no these did not have a power nozzle, and they had a saran braided hose.

Post# 134465 , Reply# 12   4/28/2011 at 06:52 (5,035 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

I have never seen a chrome 500 Filter Queen before.  It's beautiful!  I like that Lewyt too.  I'd say you made off like a bandit!!!

Post# 134471 , Reply# 13   4/28/2011 at 07:35 (5,035 days old) by kenkart ()        
Mine is!

Not as nice!

Post# 134472 , Reply# 14   4/28/2011 at 07:36 (5,035 days old) by kenkart ()        
Here is!

A 350, with the shoe bag tool holder.

Post# 134480 , Reply# 15   4/28/2011 at 07:59 (5,035 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

I love the shoe bag tool holder!  I improvised something along that line with a Silver King once.....I tied a carpenter's pocket apron on it to hold the small attachments.

Post# 134501 , Reply# 16   4/28/2011 at 15:07 (5,034 days old) by goadie12 ()        
all my filter queens

Here are all the filter queens I have in my collection.

Post# 134502 , Reply# 17   4/28/2011 at 15:08 (5,034 days old) by goadie12 ()        

and the crome

Post# 134503 , Reply# 18   4/28/2011 at 15:09 (5,034 days old) by goadie12 ()        

with hose

Post# 134504 , Reply# 19   4/28/2011 at 15:10 (5,034 days old) by goadie12 ()        

and another filter queen

Post# 134505 , Reply# 20   4/28/2011 at 15:13 (5,034 days old) by goadie12 ()        

and the first filter queen vacuum to come with a power nozzel

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