Thread Number: 12553
Vintage Commercial Vacuums!
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Post# 134227   4/26/2011 at 19:04 (5,013 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I wanted to start this thread so there was a place to talk about ALL VINTAGE COMMERCIAL VACUUMS! Kirby Janitronics, Super Sweeps,American Lincolns, and ComVacs. Talk about 'em here! Vintage-looking 1980's Hoover commercials- Talk about 'em here! NSS Pigs-Talk about 'em here!


Post# 134229 , Reply# 1   4/26/2011 at 19:27 (5,013 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Well I posted my thread about my friends kirby comvacs, so wont repost them...

But here are some of my vintage commercial vacuums.

First a picture of an American lincoln I found in my fav vac shops basement. (my friend has it now)

Post# 134230 , Reply# 2   4/26/2011 at 19:28 (5,013 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Next, what I would consider the first commercial vacuum.

The spangler suction sweeper.

Post# 134231 , Reply# 3   4/26/2011 at 19:30 (5,013 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

That Model 0 is a commercial? I thought it was just an ordinary Model 0 with a paint job.


Post# 134232 , Reply# 4   4/26/2011 at 19:30 (5,013 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

And now for some of my vacuums that I have in my possession.

First my 2 hoover 913s. One all original.

Post# 134233 , Reply# 5   4/26/2011 at 19:33 (5,013 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Well, as I would call any model O, it was really intended for maids and cleaning services to use. Not many were really sold to the regular home. The commercial model was so heavy and big that most people just bought the model O.

Here are my 2 commercial convertible 344s.

Post# 134235 , Reply# 6   4/26/2011 at 19:41 (5,013 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        
Sorry if this is a bit confusing

So, youre meaning to tell me,

1) That in the picture is a regular Model 0- Just a paint job on it? And Model 0s were mainley only commercial vacuums, and not many "regular homeowners" bought them? And what would the commercial version look like?


That IS a commercial Hoover Model 0. :P


Post# 134237 , Reply# 7   4/26/2011 at 19:49 (5,013 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


The vacuum in the picture above isn't a hoover at all.

It predates the entire hoover companies existence by a few months. The vacuum was created by a guy named "Spangler"

I keep improperly naming it. Its technically not called a model O at all. Its just a Spangler suction sweeper. There was no other models with it, and no other models to follow it.

Post# 134243 , Reply# 8   4/26/2011 at 20:27 (5,013 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        
Who Has Any Old Royal Commercial Vacs for Show?

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
I wonder how many of you on this board have any one of the following pre-1990 Royal Heavy Duty Commercial vacuums for show?

These include models:
606 (1966-1980)
606A (1966-1976)
607 (1985-1987?)
608 (1977-1987)
611 (1977-1987)
618 (1985-1987) (first Royal with an 18" wide nozzle)
654 (1987-1989)
655 and 7500 (1989-1993)
660, 662 (1987-1990) and 7600, 7620 (1989-1990)
661, 663, 7610, 7630 (1989-1990)
680, 682 (1987-1990) and 7800, 7820 (1989-1990)
681, 683, 7810, 7830 (1989-1990)


Post# 134248 , Reply# 9   4/26/2011 at 20:30 (5,013 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I know the whole thing about James Murray Spangler- When I was a wee little lad, my aunt bought a book about vacuums for me. It talked ALL ABOUT HIM! Ill scan in that book sometime and post pictures.

And YES- there were a few different variations of the SSS. (Spangler suction sweeper.)

They were mainley just differences between the top- (Motor.) There were som pictures of these in the book. Like i said, ill scan it in sometime.


Post# 134260 , Reply# 10   4/26/2011 at 20:43 (5,013 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Just an FYI,

There was no variations on the Spangler.

The original one built by spanglers hand was slightly different. It used a different desktop fan motor to power it, and a real pillow case on the outside.

When they manufactured them, they changed it a bit, to be slightly better designed.

Soon after the machine was rebadged and repainted and sold as the Model O. No structural differences made to it.

Post# 134262 , Reply# 11   4/26/2011 at 20:46 (5,013 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

And did the Model 0 actually SAY "Hoover Model 0" on it? I dont think it did. And by variations, wht you said is exactly what I meant.


Post# 134263 , Reply# 12   4/26/2011 at 20:51 (5,013 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


Sorry for the confusion! LOL. Would love to see some picture/scans of it.

You know, I dont know if the model 0 said hoover 0 on it. I believe it was just designated model zero as it was the initial machine for the company, which had been designed prior to the formation of Hoover Co.

Here is an all original model 0.

Post# 134264 , Reply# 13   4/26/2011 at 21:01 (5,013 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Thats a neat pic! And sorry for getting a little "snippy".


Post# 134282 , Reply# 14   4/27/2011 at 00:56 (5,013 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture

The first, and successive, Hoover-made vacuums, were marked as Suction Sweeper Company. I believe the HOOVER name was not applied to the machines for at least 3 or so years. In about 1919, the company name was officially changed to The Hoover Company, and the "Suction Sweeper" part was dropped.


According to Jack Copp's website, a commercial machine, Model 18, was made concurrently with the Model 0, in 1908 and 1909. Here's a link to Jack's excellent site, to the section on commercial Hoovers:

Post# 134283 , Reply# 15   4/27/2011 at 01:02 (5,013 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

On commercial vacs-have my NSS PIGS,several commercial metal Royals,couple of Kirby Comvacs-1600.also have a "Soot Vac"trying to remember the exact brand name-used by HVAC,and chimney services for cleaning out furnaces,woodstoves,and chimneys.Have an industrial 16Gal SS Shop Vac,and an Ext filter Wet-Dry Tornado vac.Two commercial type vacs on my "looking for" list-Certified Pile Lifter-or Brush vac-discussed in another thread,and an NSS "Bronco" ext filter wet-dry vac.and it has to have the "Horse" logo blue bag!

Post# 134495 , Reply# 16   4/28/2011 at 12:33 (5,011 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        
By special request, a Commercial Royal

djtaylor's profile picture
Here is my Royal 606A. It has a newer bag, the one it came with was in tatters.

Post# 134496 , Reply# 17   4/28/2011 at 12:34 (5,011 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        
Super Vac 180

djtaylor's profile picture
And my Commercial Kirby, the Super Vac 180. I just love it.

Post# 134516 , Reply# 18   4/28/2011 at 17:17 (5,011 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

That SuperVac, is that the original bag, or a Trad bag?


Post# 134521 , Reply# 19   4/28/2011 at 18:45 (5,011 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

The Supervac would have had no emptor, and would have a vinyl white outerbag with rubber vinyl topper.

Post# 134548 , Reply# 20   4/28/2011 at 21:31 (5,011 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        

djtaylor's profile picture
Sam, my SuperVac 180 has a Tradition bag on a Heritage Emtor. The white bag with white bag top cover were gone long before I got the vacuum in November. It had a 'bojack' F&G type bag unit on it when I got the vacuum. I did not like them, so I replaced them with what are on it now. I did that because I also wanted to use the Kirby cloth-like white HEPA bags. I have allergies and need to get as much of the 'crud' out of my home as I can. I do plan to paint the bag guard and bag top cover white, just not a priority at the moment.

Post# 134574 , Reply# 21   4/28/2011 at 23:45 (5,011 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Wow! That is a cool Super Vac 180! Justin, where do you get brush rolls for it? Do they still make them? Does a Super Vac/Janitronic take the same belt as a regular Kirby? About what year were these vacs made and sold? Thanks for posting the pic!

Post# 134666 , Reply# 22   4/29/2011 at 14:38 (5,010 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        

djtaylor's profile picture
Brian... Yes, the Commercial Kirbys use the same belt as the other Kirbys. I am told that you should not use the 'knurled' belts on the Sanitronic/500 Series machines, but I always have. As for still being made, no. I believe the commercial Kirbys were only made from the later '60's to the early '80's. The brush rolls are not being made, have not been in a very long time. Too bad, mine needs a new brush roll. It is a cool vacuum, but needs a bigger space to clean then mine.

Post# 134736 , Reply# 23   4/30/2011 at 01:11 (5,010 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Like the Kirby 180-very nice attractive vacuum-you wouldn't think that was for commercial use-most commercial machines are pretty drab in appearence.

Post# 134777 , Reply# 24   4/30/2011 at 13:37 (5,009 days old) by rickenbacker ()        

I have still to this day NEVER seen a Janitronic, could somebody very kindly post a picture for me please? Thanks, Charlie :)

Post# 134778 , Reply# 25   4/30/2011 at 13:42 (5,009 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        
Last of the "Indestructible" Hoovers

Model C1312- this one has never seen dirt :)

Post# 134779 , Reply# 26   4/30/2011 at 13:43 (5,009 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        


Post# 134780 , Reply# 27   4/30/2011 at 13:44 (5,009 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        
Rating plate-

April 1989

Post# 134781 , Reply# 28   4/30/2011 at 13:45 (5,009 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        
Bag Assembly....

Same as the Conquest... And spotless :D

Post# 134802 , Reply# 29   4/30/2011 at 16:39 (5,009 days old) by rickenbacker ()        

A virgin Hoover! :O

Post# 134998 , Reply# 30   5/2/2011 at 03:10 (5,008 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        
Brochure scan......

Along with the C1310 lightweight commercial.....

Post# 135005 , Reply# 31   5/2/2011 at 06:40 (5,008 days old) by kirbyvacuum (Long Island New York)        
180 Kirby

Hi Justin very nice 180 I like the blue bag very much nice conbo i would leave it just as is. A real hard job to replace the belt. i dont no what Kirby was thinking on that deal more like they were not thinking at all. Take care Doug

Post# 135330 , Reply# 32   5/4/2011 at 19:55 (5,005 days old) by MysteryManBob (New Port Richey,FL)        

mysterymanbob's profile picture
where can I find one of these commercial vacs? I want one of those kirbies.

Post# 135362 , Reply# 33   5/5/2011 at 02:36 (5,005 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

Sadly the Kirby "Comvacs" are no longer made-got lucky on mine from a link on this site-A dealer in Ohio had several old ones in a warehouse.So was lucky there-For the most part commercial equipment is used to the death-then discarded.That is why I am having troubles finding an NSS "Bronco"Wet-Dry vacuum.any place that I talked to handling new and used commercial equipment says these are used to their death.Sad.Saw one live and in the Daycon catalog-along with the Pile Lifter machine-both beauties I want.But the hunt goes on!

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