Thread Number: 12529
Model E Electrolux!
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Post# 133977   4/24/2011 at 14:49 (5,065 days old) by kenkart ()        

Recently I bought a nice E at an estate sale, I have always shunned machines that were BOL, but Charles were right about this one, after using it I see why people are so attached to an E, it is so much lighter than most anything else,and for some reason, it seems more powerful than the AE,it shouldnt, but still seems that way!

Post# 133989 , Reply# 1   4/24/2011 at 17:31 (5,065 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Yes, the dainty E is a wonderful vacuum cleaner. Everyone I remember who has had one has really loved it. It's very practical, easy to use, and quite lovely in every regard. All its lines and proportions are perfectly balanced and detailed.


If you would find the kind of hose in the photo, you'll find the suction will be incredibly powerful. It's from a Royal upright attachment set. While not as pretty as an original woven hose, the silver color perfectly matches the silver trim of the Model E.


The Model E in the photo belongs to a friend of mine whose father bought it when she was a little girl. It was in wonderful condition given its age, but it had a leaky bojack hose and just generally needed a good spa treatment. The silver hose along with the new turquoise attachments make a lovely set. The polisher was hers already -- a wonderful bonus that she enjoys using on her hardwood floors.


P.S. I'd give my left, er, big toenail for that original E box!!  ;P



Post# 134108 , Reply# 2   4/25/2011 at 20:34 (5,064 days old) by LillyLux (Oklahoma City)        

Congrats on your wonderful new "E"! That is my favourite Eletrolux. The E uses steel and not only sheet metal and they are hard to dent. The back is easily removed as well. You can vac out the back quite easily, I discovered, with another vac, and keep it in pristine condition. I agree with the E being a bit stronger than AE--or at least some of them. I don't know why. E seems to be everyone's sweetheart Lux. Enjoy it:)

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