Thread Number: 12527
What do you use in your compact/tristar?
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Post# 133950   4/24/2011 at 10:49 (5,045 days old) by blackheart (North Dakota)        

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I'm currently using DVC brand bags in my tristar and they seem to let a lot of dust through (just shook out the cloth bag) what are you/have you used in yours and what do you recommend?

Post# 133951 , Reply# 1   4/24/2011 at 10:51 (5,045 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

I use the envirocare bags. I think they work the best.

Post# 134034 , Reply# 2   4/25/2011 at 04:12 (5,045 days old) by thermokid (Casper, Wyoming)        
I use

Dust care bags. The package looks very similar to the DVC (Dust Vacuum Corporation) bags. The differance in the packages is at the top left corner of the Dust care package shows a modern day Tristar MG1 etc. anyway these bags have an extra lining in them that you can see, and they have little DC's printed allover the outside of the bag. They seem to filter very good not letting any dust through. I bought mine off of Ebay. There is a vacuum store on there that sells them Three packs of 12 for $19.95 I believe. I thought that was a good price so I bought 72 bags. Now I have plenty of bags for awhile. Of course these bags also fit Compact/Tristar, Patriot etc. Anyway check them out, you will be glad you did.... Dan

Post# 134035 , Reply# 3   4/25/2011 at 04:23 (5,045 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I use the regular TriStar bags or the Environcare bags-anyway the dual layer paper ones work best less residual dust in the cloth bag-and the motor filter stays clean.Do not even have to clean or replace it.

Post# 134048 , Reply# 4   4/25/2011 at 08:02 (5,044 days old) by blackheart (North Dakota)        

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Thanks for the replies and suggestions. When i first bought it (near the twin cities, long trip but WORTH IT) it had envirocare bags with it which i liked them a lot better, but i figured i would ask around here to see if there were better bags.

Post# 134110 , Reply# 5   4/25/2011 at 20:38 (5,044 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I think the ones I have for my Tristar are single-ply Envirocare bags which are decent, I also bought some off ebay UK, but I can't recall what they were (DVC I think), but they leaked like I hadn't even put a bag in there, so they're just sat in a bag somewhere doing nothing... :)

Post# 134132 , Reply# 6   4/25/2011 at 22:29 (5,044 days old) by jodan3399 (Brownsville, PA)        

Envirocare here as well. They seem to do okay.

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