Thread Number: 12526
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Post# 133944   4/24/2011 at 10:29 (5,045 days old) by CleanteamofNY ()        

Just a quick share to the VCCC.
This was posted on Craigslist around the neck of my woods.
Anybody interested?

CLICK HERE TO GO TO CleanteamofNY's LINK on Hudsonvalley Craigslist

Post# 133945 , Reply# 1   4/24/2011 at 10:35 (5,045 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Ive used one of those!

What a beast! Its not really a vacuum. Its a carpet pile lifter.

Post# 133963 , Reply# 2   4/24/2011 at 12:32 (5,045 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Thanks for the heads up Cleanteam!

(Is Robert aware that you defected to Vacuumland briefly to help us out)?

Mums the word with me.....I won't let on!

Thanks again,


Post# 133988 , Reply# 3   4/24/2011 at 17:00 (5,045 days old) by CleanteamofNY ()        

Don't let Robert know or he want his suds cake back!

Post# 134039 , Reply# 4   4/25/2011 at 05:07 (5,045 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

The machine is a vacuum of sorts-its used before a carpet is cleaned to deep vacuum dirt and debris other vacuums can't get.then the Pile Lifter is used again to lift and fluff the carpet nap after it has been cleaned and shampooed.The pile lifter will also remove any remaining dirt from the carpet cleaning process.these are still made.I am looking for one for my collection.The one shown is a later model.If you look clesely-note that the suction motor is a Royal metal upright vacuum motor.The motor to the left of it spins the large drum shaped brushroll.There is a trap under the Royal motor to catch any pins,coins,pebbles,etc that are picked up.the trap is emptied after using the machine.It prevents those things from going thru the suction motors fan.older Certified Pile lifters had a Certified made suction motor.If I was in that area-would gladly pay the $50 and take the machine!!!A REAL bargain.these normally cost upwards of $2000 when new.Janitorial services and Carpet cleaning-restoration services have these machines.And they can be used on new carpets after installation to remove the loose pile.The Pile Lifter machine can then be fitted with a cloth dump bag for that.The bag shown in the picture looks like it can use a paper inner bag.

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