Thread Number: 12505
Switch on Model AE Electrolux
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Post# 133666   4/22/2011 at 18:09 (4,952 days old) by LillyLux (Oklahoma City)        

I picked up an AE Electrolux with a busted up switch. It tries to come on but goes in and out because there is not firm contact between the switch lever and the internal switch itself. So I resolved for now to "wire around" the switch.
My question:
The switch has two wires connected to each pole of the switch. I expected only one but it seems that the wires loop through a diode and back through the switch.
Do I simply connect each double wire to the hot and cold of the cord? Will this make the vacuum run again or will it burn down my house? :)
Anyway...any advise you could give a girl trying to rebuild an old Elux AE would be appreciated!

Post# 133674 , Reply# 1   4/22/2011 at 20:06 (4,952 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Disclaimer: The following comment is for comedy relief only and not to be considered an actual offending comment...

Oh, my my. What a girl! A Diode! Ha ha....That's not a diode, that's a radio interference suppressor capacitor.

Disclaimer: The following comment IS to be meant as a compliment and SHOULD be considered as such:

Good for you! Tearing into that machine. I know many people that are scared to death of that part of anything electrical.

Below is a wiring diagram of what it should look like inside the rear cover of your machine. That capacitor, many people have had issues with, and just eliminate them completely. I have never had an issue and if they are there in the first place - I leave them alone. You could actually by-pass the terminal on the open side of the switch (arrow thingy) and the machine will run whenever you plug it in. As long as you keep the wires in the same general situation as they are, only bypassing the switch - you can run your machine without it burning down the house. I might suggest this however, Those switches are still readily available and don't go for an arm or a leg. I would just replace the switch. Have you checked to make sure there is no gunk, or a mechanical issue with the automatic shut off lever system that doesn't allow the switch to fully close? You may want to check that out. Those switches were over-built and unless there was a real electrical problem at one time, they should last forever.

Hope this helps,


Post# 133689 , Reply# 2   4/22/2011 at 21:54 (4,952 days old) by LillyLux (Oklahoma City)        
Ha Ha! I'm a girl! Duh! Diode!? I will try it!

Oh Rick I never would have figured that out! A radio gizmojig so the vacuum doesn't interfere with the TV. Brilliant! I never knew they existed! My mom always interfered with the TV with the vacuum by pushing in front of my Dad's easy chair during the superbowl....with the Kirby if she was mad :).

Oh I am impetuous! I cook the same way I work on vacuum cleaners..just tear into it and keep the ingredients in little jars with labels. OK. You have given me pretty much the information I am looking for. You see, I have had a bad experience with one or two with Emerson fan' wiring which is real finicky about what goes where...and I do not have electricians' tools...but I do use a power strip for a safety devise. I will try what you have sugested and if it works, I will look for a switch. If not I may check the brushes (but it ran like the dickens till I popped open the bag chamber and the broken switch would not turnf on again. Rick, I will let ya know and thanks! BTW, that is a BEAUTIFUL model XXX on your signature! Like champagn!

Post# 133837 , Reply# 3   4/23/2011 at 16:43 (4,951 days old) by LillyLux (Oklahoma City)        
Eureka--the Electrolux works!

Thanks to your help Rick I have a working Electrolux model AE which I think is about a 1956 model?
Thank you Rick for showing me how to hook it up--what the wires meant. It's nice to know that that mysterious "diode" is nothing to worry about! Thank you for education! I never knew that they had radio interference gizmos.
Now. I have to find a switch but in the meantime I'm going to start cleaning up the Lux!

Post# 133842 , Reply# 4   4/23/2011 at 17:13 (4,951 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Well, well, well. I'm glad it worked - I have NO idea what the inside of a vacuum cleaner even looks like! Whew! That was close! I made all of that stuff up....

Seriously - you're welcome. That's what everyone is here for, to help each other out with our vacuums.

How does it sound? Bet it purrs like a kitten huh? I think 1956 is about will probably give you many more years of faithful service.

Have fun!


Post# 133843 , Reply# 5   4/23/2011 at 17:14 (4,951 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

eh, oh yeah - BTW, just FYI, I think it's illegal to use the words Eureka and Electrolux in the same sentence....

Post# 134111 , Reply# 6   4/25/2011 at 20:43 (4,949 days old) by LillyLux (Oklahoma City)        

LOL! Crevice Tool! and thanks again Rick. It sounds good! It has a little bit of carbon odor when it is first this maybe because it has been dormant for about twenty years Rick?

Post# 135566 , Reply# 7   5/6/2011 at 21:43 (4,938 days old) by LillyLux (Oklahoma City)        
Electrolux AE switch update

Well....with help from other members of the forum I sucessfully "wired around" the broken switch of the AE. It runs like an Oklahoma wind! The switch has an offset screw holding the back of the switch to the body of the machine--and I had missgivings about removing the switch for this reason. Was it a "load bearing" switch? I finally have determined that it is not absolutely essential to holding the handle in place. The screw in front of the switch goes directly into the body at zero degrees and is obviously the crucial bolting of the handle to the machine--although the machine will have to be picked up easily without the back screw when I replace the switch. I am going to examine an Electrolux Guardian's switch and see if it is adaptable to the structure of the switch mounting. Obviously the Automatic control is not figured in here which is fine with me. Those were mostly a great way to sell bags I suppose--and I tend to hoard my type C bags (and 1928 prayer books :) ). In the meantime I have set a small appliance switch in between the motor and the power cord using a short pigtail from the machine into the female end of the power cord and mounted side saddle with a strip of clear postage tape. Will do for now. This is a great Electrolux, very, very strong motor and suction. I am powering it up for short intervals until the carbon brushes are reseated and the machine is "used" to being...well...used. :) It has been dormant for thirty years I understand.

Post# 135726 , Reply# 8   5/8/2011 at 07:02 (4,936 days old) by kenkart ()        

Any switch from an AE F or G will work, they are very common, so dont dismay,you can have it original.

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