Thread Number: 12487
Looking for a 28, 29 and 61 bag
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Post# 133489   4/21/2011 at 19:19 (5,041 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Hey all.

I am on the hunt to create an all original hoover 29. Would love love love to find an original bag.

Also would really like an original model 28 bag, as well as a 61 bag.

It would be great to have an almost all original complete 60 series eventually. Just need the 62 and 64 and I am good to go!

Post# 133576 , Reply# 1   4/22/2011 at 08:53 (5,041 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Hey Brandon-


No promises... I may have a 61 bag.  I don't think I do, but I have a whole Rubbermaid bin full of extra bags.  I can at least check sometime soon, and I'll certainly keep my eye open for one.  Good luck on the 29 bag!  The bag that's on it now doesn't look half bad.  I've even seen replacement bags that are burgundy and look halfway decent.  I like how the brown cord matches the brown bag that's currently on the cleaner.  I've only seen a handfull of original 29 bags in my day... they're few and far between.  I was super lucky when I found mine on eBay many years back - and I put my 29 bag on a bag-ring for a model 62; so there's a Handisac tucked inside of my original 29 bag -- which allows me to use the cleaner and not get the original bad dirty.  Cool



Post# 133596 , Reply# 2   4/22/2011 at 11:13 (5,041 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Thanks Fred! I would greatly appreciate it!

I do find the bag that is currently on the 29 to be quite nice. As with the 61. Its very art deco with the gold print, and complements the brown on the cleaner very well.

The 29s bag is a lighter brownish tan, but does have a hint of red in it. So the cord and bag do go well together. Just a little "too brown" though. :)

It would be fab to make the 29 original, because I have EVERYTHING with it! I believe I have the original reciept and all too. The box and attachments are all there, as well with the amazing stretch hose!

Got it all for free from a real good friend, Mark Goodall in town.

Post# 133597 , Reply# 3   4/22/2011 at 11:19 (5,041 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


Im still trying to unravel the mystery as to why my 61s base is gold hammertone and not brown.

I am usually not that attracted to the 61s brown base, but when I saw this one, I instantly fell for the machine!

Here is mine next to a picture of one of Scott Rittenburgs.

Post# 133603 , Reply# 4   4/22/2011 at 11:54 (5,040 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        
Model 29 aftermarket bag

pr-21's profile picture



I know you want original, but there is an aftermarket burgandy bag at Pull up antiques and go to outer bags. It is a DVC for the model 29. I bought one, even though I don't have the machine yet, still looking....I should get the bag today or early next week and will post a picture.






This post was last edited 04/22/2011 at 13:33
Post# 133612 , Reply# 5   4/22/2011 at 13:04 (5,040 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        



Bud thanks for sharing that link!

I already see SEVERAL parts I am going to buy! :)

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