Thread Number: 12469
Question about the Rug Renovator
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Post# 133325   4/20/2011 at 17:29 (4,979 days old) by jfalberti (Visalia, CA)        

jfalberti's profile picture

I know the Rug Renovator was introduced with the Kirby DS50, but was wondering, did it run the DS50 and DS80 on the high speed?  I know that the earlier Kirby models had a 4 amp motor, and the DS50 and DS80 were 4 amps on the low speed, and 5 amps on the high speed.  The reason I ask is because the Classic had a 5 amp motor on the low speed and a 6 amp motor on high, and the RR ran in normal (low speed) on this model.  I was in a conversation with another member about when the Rug Renovator was introduced, and can't figure out why they didn't release it on earlier models, unless they felt the smaller motors couldn't handle it.

Post# 133371 , Reply# 1   4/20/2011 at 22:52 (4,979 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        

djtaylor's profile picture
The Rug Renovators always run on 'low speed'. I think that they would over suds on 'high speed'.

Post# 133383 , Reply# 2   4/21/2011 at 00:33 (4,979 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Kirby didnt release the Rug Renovator on earlier models than the D50 because it wasnt invented yet before then!

Post# 252199 , Reply# 3   10/6/2013 at 15:05 (4,079 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
The Rug Renovator was also belt-driven, hence the low speed. Same with the Handi-Butler.


Post# 279952 , Reply# 4   5/10/2014 at 03:16 (3,864 days old) by Elektrolux ()        
Kirby Dual Sanitronic 50 & Rug Renovator

Exactly. The D50 is where we would be introduced to the all new Rug Renovator. It performed well on 4 amp. Only trouble I found after time is clogging in the soft fabric suds filter. As they aged, the input sponge filter would deteriorate, crumbling apart & too much air + dirt would enter the suds tank. Leaving carpet wetter then desired or clogging suds nnozzle & screen.
So, if anything, I found the D50 to do fine at a slower steady pace to not over suds.

Post# 280161 , Reply# 5   5/11/2014 at 16:15 (3,862 days old) by kirby519 (Wisconsin)        

Earlier models the renovator would not have been safe to use as the machines were not insulated. up until some where in the 500 series. It wasn't until the Omega model that the machines were double insulated. One of the demos done after the machines were insulated. Was to run the earlier model kirby you had over or next to a metal heating vent you could see the electric pass between the nozzle and the floor grate. The demonstrator would then do the same thing with the new insulated machine and no electric would pass between the machine and the heating vent. Kirby could sell current customers a new machine on the safety factor alone. Plus at the time people didn't clean carpets over and above normal vacuuming, as often like we do today. If it did need cleaning the rugs were cleaned by a commercial company.

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