Thread Number: 12433
very strange miele s200 pic
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Post# 132911   4/18/2011 at 15:58 (5,044 days old) by edgar (Netherlands)        

edgar's profile picture
This ia s realy strange miele s200. It is a in between model and i did not even know it existed. Normaly you have the first and the second generation, and this is somthing in between. The color and housing are the same as the second generation, but the hose is and rugnozzle are the same as the first generation. NOrmaly the powercord has to be black, but it is grey like tje first generation. So is the engine power, it has a 750 watts (first generation) and the swivel top is white wile it should be blue. verry confusing.

Post# 132912 , Reply# 1   4/18/2011 at 16:02 (5,044 days old) by edgar (Netherlands)        
it should look lile this

edgar's profile picture
It should look like this,and the front has to be blue and not white. so is the brand on the site of the machine, that is different with the model i found also.

Post# 132916 , Reply# 2   4/18/2011 at 16:16 (5,044 days old) by edgar (Netherlands)        
just to point out the difference

edgar's profile picture
ok so the right one is a first generation as its suposed to be. In germany the made the buttons on the nozzle and the ring to rejust the tube in bright bleu. Then the second generation had a white front, black power cord, white hose and a newer nozzle like the orange one in the second picture. All of my books and info do not give me the info i need so it remains a mysterie ;-))

Post# 132924 , Reply# 3   4/18/2011 at 16:45 (5,044 days old) by rob_89 ()        

Hi Edgar,

I love the design of these older Miele's, are they still a regular find in Belgium? Do you know if they were sold in the UK at all? Models from the late 80s onwards do still appear on ebay here from time to time, and always seem very popular.

The green model on the right appears to have the same floortool as my Numatic of similar vintage.


Post# 132926 , Reply# 4   4/18/2011 at 16:50 (5,044 days old) by edgar (Netherlands)        
Hi Rob

edgar's profile picture
I am afraid that the are a very rare find in belgium and the Netherlands. I am very hapy I almost own all types exept for one wich seems impossible to find. I do not know vintage numatic, do you have a pic?

grretz edgar

Post# 132937 , Reply# 5   4/18/2011 at 17:46 (5,044 days old) by rob_89 ()        
vintage Numatic

Love the custom named Hetty! How did that come about, did you request it directly from Numatic? I have the Henry toy model to go with mine :-)

The only picture I have of mine is without the tools currently, I'll add another once I get home of the whole set up. The hose is a later replacement, but all other parts are original as far as I know. I inherited this cleaner from my Nan, and believe it is from the mid 1980s.

The overall design of the cleaners has changed very little over the years; this model has thicker plastic used in the mouldings, and a socket for a power nozzle still fitted near the power switch. The 'face' was still supplied as stickers for the end user to apply to the bucket

Hoping to find an original set of small tools and the instruction leaflet for it one day!

I'd have to say that Miele and Numatic cylinder cleaners are the most comfortable I've used so far- good simple tools, and strong suction as they fill up.


Post# 133057 , Reply# 6   4/19/2011 at 01:19 (5,044 days old) by edgar (Netherlands)        

edgar's profile picture
Hi Rob,

My friend called numatic, to ask if they could put the name edgar on it in stead of my name. I was not easy, he did it as a birthday present. He had to email al lot of times before they came through do.


Post# 133059 , Reply# 7   4/19/2011 at 03:35 (5,044 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
Early Mieles

vacbear58's profile picture
They were sold in the UK, although as with all Miele products of that vintage they were hard to find and very expensive. I have the blue one, although sadly the hose and floor nozzle have been replaced and teh cord winder does not work. The machine its self runs fine though and performs quite well


Post# 133068 , Reply# 8   4/19/2011 at 09:25 (5,044 days old) by edgar (Netherlands)        
@ al, spare parts

edgar's profile picture
Hi Al,

If you check on the back of the machine wat kind of watts it has, than i can complete it for you. I think i can find the parts more easely over here, exept when it is a 750 watt with the blue front, than it is more difficult.

greetz Edgar

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