Thread Number: 12413
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Post# 132797   4/17/2011 at 18:56 (4,849 days old) by 04gtojustin ()        

Hey fred im alittle upset i told u my whole story of the model 65 and 66 convertible and how it impacted me to enjoy vacuums and u didnt respond?

Post# 132845 , Reply# 1   4/17/2011 at 23:41 (4,849 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        



I have no idea what you're talking about.  We all know that you are obsessing about your model 65 and 66, and finding parts for them ... that's just about all you talk about on here, and I've heard from more than one member that they're sick of it.  You still haven't posted pictures of them, by the way...


The last email I received from you said this:


hey sorry it took so long for me to respond im just getting over the flue but just were too look for hoover model
 parts or the best ways to restore my 66


I don't feel that email warranted a response.  As I've given you plenty of suggestions already... this one in particular from March 24th prettymuch sums up anything else I have to say on this subject:


...I've also chatted with Norm Brown; while it's really out of the ordinary for someone to happen to have both an extra model 65 and model 66 just laying around to sell, he did and you got them.  Collectors spend years looking for those models; even I don't have a model 66 in my collection currently.  He also told me that the bag which came with the model 65 he sent you is original, and one of the later versions that happens to be narrower.  If you ask me, I would keep that bag -- as it's rare to have such an odd variation of a model 65.  Like I said above, you need to have patience, and also persistence in going out and actively looking for things.  Don't expect them to fall out of the sky when you ask for them.


What more do you want me to say?  Do you want me to pull model 65 and model 66 parts out of thin air and send them to you?

I can't do any more for you than telling you to have patience and persistence in looking for these things.


Sorry if you felt that I was ignoring you -- that wasn't my intention.  As webmaster, I get anywhere from 3-15 emails per day about various things related to VacuumLand... yours got buried in the inbox.


That's all I have to say about this.

Post# 132917 , Reply# 2   4/18/2011 at 16:24 (4,848 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
Hoover 65 and 66


I have to say, my feelings are beginning to be NOT appreciated at all in our honest business deal.  Being a part

of this group of collectors and friends means that I gave you a real advantage over other collectors.  Guys I have

been friends with over the years.   As at least one other friend, near by here in Ohio had asked me a couple of

years ago if I would sell him that 66.  I said, "NO not right now, not ready to let it go". I was kindly and gently reminded, by my self. That I had said  "I will keep you in mind, when I do" As I was making a move and

reducing my numbers of cleaners.   Then you asked and pleaded on line and I was in the mood to move a few

cleaners on. So I responded to your  pleas, thank yous and it would mean so much to you!   Just to have these two

very favorite Hoover Converitbles.   So we struck the deal, all went well with the money, the shipping and now

all you want to do is destroy the Originality of these two great Hoover Machines.   Why,  because you are NOT

thinking about them as they are.   Your wanting to make them into something they are not.   Which now I

regret very much for having sold them to YOU !   Plus, you are not really interested in collecting, even if you

only ever had these two cleaners.  You would have had something that was very close to being what you knew

them to be.   Now you can't share them in pictures.  Nor do you really appreciate them, nor can anyone one

else presently or in the future.   

You have done your self and others a great diservice in your actions and reactions to spending reasonable money

and gaining something collectable.  In your 19 years of "wanting" you got two cleaners that I waited, hoped, looked for  that took me almost 40 years to bring into my life and collection.

So sorry that you did not appreciate what you have acquired.  When their were others really more deserving.

Norm Brown

Post# 132941 , Reply# 3   4/18/2011 at 17:57 (4,848 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

...And hes gone.



Post# 132967 , Reply# 4   4/18/2011 at 19:27 (4,848 days old) by alexb1186 (Ferguson/St. Louis, MO)        
...And hes gone.

alexb1186's profile picture

Thank god cause I knew from four years ago he was obnoxious.

Post# 132969 , Reply# 5   4/18/2011 at 19:37 (4,848 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        



To set this record straight-- I assume "04gtojustin" was angered by my response to him in this thread... which is too bad.


And today, shortly after noon, he decided to re- sign up as a new user on VacuumLand.  He then proceeded to "spam" profane and pornographic messages within these forums... there were a total of 5 threads that he started within minutes.


I was at work, and had no idea this was happening.  Thankfully other members hit the "mark as offensive" button and Robert saw what was going on and put a stop to it.  Remember, if you ever see anything that is lewd or otherwise offensive -- hit the button!  That's why it's there.  Anytime a post gets marked as offensive, me and a few other "administrators" on this website get an email.  It allows us to further investigate just what's going on. 


So, yes... the long and short of it: he's gone.


Norm:  I'm sorry that you sort-of got caught up in this.. you really did nothing wrong at all... Your heart was totally in the right place.  Anyone on these forums can clearly see that.  There will be lots more model 65 and 66s to be had.. I'm sure many are still in use. Laughing

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