Thread Number: 12405
Vacuum Parts for vintage machines
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Post# 132720   4/16/2011 at 23:54 (5,053 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        

pr-21's profile picture

I just wanted to let fellow club members know about a website I recently found, when looking for an outer Hoover Bag for a vintage machine. It is called With hoover no longer making parts for the older vintage machines, it is getting harder and harder to find  parts, even on Ebay. This store I found kind of unique. There is a search engine on the right hand side which is pretty good. I searched for Hoover outer bags. What I found was a listing of several bags saying no longer available, but still in stock so look closely. These are after market bags, but at this point.....They may not be the color you were looking for either, but if they fit.... I also looked for Eureka, but either I did not search right or they just don't have much....Hoover was a different story. I didn't look for any other brands other than those.





Bud Mattingly

Post# 132741 , Reply# 1   4/17/2011 at 09:51 (5,052 days old) by revooh ()        

I have bought many items from this company. I have talked with him many times on the phone and each time he has found more "gold" up in a loft that was used for storage. He may still have items that he has not listed on his web sight. If you don't see it on the web sight it may pay you to call the company and talk about what you are looking for. I have done that with him and he will look when he has time and if he finds it or not he returns my call. That place must still be full of gold. And, all of the parts are clean so they were stored in boxes it would appear.

Post# 133251 , Reply# 2   4/20/2011 at 01:26 (5,050 days old) by paulinroyton (Royton, Lancashire)        
Hose For Electrolux 502

Hi Guys.

Over the moon, managed to buy a genuine Electrolux hose to fit my 502 & 502s. Been looking for ages for one.


Post# 133261 , Reply# 3   4/20/2011 at 06:39 (5,049 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        
Hi Paul

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi Paul, So did you buy the Electrolux hose for the Electrolux 502/s from ""???

Just wondered.


Post# 133316 , Reply# 4   4/20/2011 at 16:12 (5,049 days old) by paulinroyton (Royton, Lancashire)        
Electrolux 502 Hose

Hi James.

Bought it off Ebay, genuine Electrolux hose. Was well pleased to find one on ebay.



Post# 133330 , Reply# 5   4/20/2011 at 17:52 (5,049 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture

I've bought a few things from them in the past too.  The shipping was always fast and I don't think I ever paid more than $5.00 for shipping either. 

Post# 133331 , Reply# 6   4/20/2011 at 17:56 (5,049 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture

I just looked at that site for the first time in a while.  They have some NOS vacuums in stock, including an Airway with PN and the Hoover Constellation. 

Post# 133405 , Reply# 7   4/21/2011 at 08:28 (5,048 days old) by DeliriousDan ()        

I just ordered a few items from this guy. His prices were VERY reasonable, as well as the shipping cost. In fact, his shipping charge was LESS than what he paid the Post Office! To top it off, I had it within two days. Thanks for recommending this company! They are definitely on my 'short list'.

Post# 133406 , Reply# 8   4/21/2011 at 08:39 (5,048 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
Thanks for the tip

Thanks for the tip on this outfit.  I took a quick look at the website and found several things I've been looking for at VERY reasonable prices!

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