Thread Number: 12381
Name these Vacuums!
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Post# 132479   4/15/2011 at 12:41 (5,054 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

So, I got a really nice email from a postcard collector:

I have two 1930's Electrolux brochures I'd like to donate to your club or to a member.  If you can give me an address I'll put them in an envelope and hopefully they'll find a good home. I'm in San Francisco so if there's someone local I could hand deliver them.  Thanks


I replied:

Thanks so much for the email!  I would be delighted to have you send me the manuals -- I will scan them and post them on our website for our club members to enjoy.  I recently took over being webmaster, and am going to try to "beef up" the amount of literature we have posted on our website.  What you have, and are willing to send would be perfect! 


He replied:

The brochures will be mailed today.  I'm glad they'll be going to a good home.  I'm not a vacuum collector but I have owned a few interesting ones and can certainly appreciate their attraction.  The collections shown on your web site are terrific.  I'm trying to just be a postcard collector and here's an odd one from that collection.  There's no information on the backside, not even a stamp box that would help date it.  Do you recognize the models?  It looks to me like it's from a horror movie and they're massing to attack.  My club also has a website -


So, I thanked him again and told him I'd try and get an ID on the vacuums that are in this postcard...  If I had to take a guess, I'd guess Premier, based on the diamond pattern you can see on a few of the bags.. but am not totally sure.  Cool picture, nonetheless!


Anybody else?

Post# 132482 , Reply# 1   4/15/2011 at 14:06 (5,054 days old) by meba2233 (Webster Groves, MO)        
I don't know if this helps.

A bit fuzzy, but bigger...


Post# 132487 , Reply# 2   4/15/2011 at 15:26 (5,054 days old) by pr-21 (Middletown, OH)        
Me Too

pr-21's profile picture

I agree with you Fred.



Bud - PR-21

Post# 132488 , Reply# 3   4/15/2011 at 16:34 (5,054 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Yes, I agree also. If you look closely at one, you can faintly see "Premier" written on it.



Post# 132505 , Reply# 4   4/15/2011 at 19:53 (5,054 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Holy mary mother of jesus!

That is a place I would like to see *live!*

Looks quite like a more organized version of the local vacuum shops basement. Hehe.

Post# 132555 , Reply# 5   4/16/2011 at 01:33 (5,054 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




I opened the scan in Photoshop and bumped up the brightness and contrast. I think this helps see the machines a bit better. "Can you imagine?" "Have you EVER?" Where on EARTH would all these THOUSANDS of vacuums have been??!

Post# 133582 , Reply# 6   4/22/2011 at 09:13 (5,047 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Have we decided they're Premieres?

Post# 133595 , Reply# 7   4/22/2011 at 11:09 (5,047 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

definitely. Those blue/black bags checkered pattern are G.E Premier signatures I think. I have seen several with that same pattern bag.

Notice though that some machines do have the exhaust port on the opposite side, like an eureka!

The mystery continues!

Can anyone make this out? I see a P, M, and i, but cant really decide what it reads.

Post# 133649 , Reply# 8   4/22/2011 at 16:04 (5,047 days old) by Oreck_XL (Brooklyn, New York 11211)        

oreck_xl's profile picture
Definitely Premiers, and early ones at that. Could it be when they were manufactured as Frantz Premier (pre-1919)? Also, for a time after they dropped the Frantz- prefix, they were called The New Premier. That would've been around 1919-1920.

- Hershel

Post# 133652 , Reply# 9   4/22/2011 at 16:12 (5,047 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


Maybe thats what the bag says. It looks like that may be the end of an 'E new P

Could be the new premier.

Post# 133662 , Reply# 10   4/22/2011 at 17:56 (5,047 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

1922 premier ad.

Looks identical to some in that picture.

Post# 134112 , Reply# 11   4/25/2011 at 20:46 (5,044 days old) by LillyLux (Oklahoma City)        
Theatre Organ/Vac Collector

Recently Stan Kahn, famous musician and cinematic organist, passed away...and this reminds me of the pictures of the vacuum cleaners he collected.

Post# 134120 , Reply# 12   4/25/2011 at 21:21 (5,044 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Stan Kann died in September of 2008.


Post# 134175 , Reply# 13   4/26/2011 at 11:20 (5,043 days old) by truckerx (Palm Springs, CA)        
GE or Premier

truckerx's profile picture
You can tell by the offset handle grip angle and motor that they would have to be GE or Premier

Post# 134648 , Reply# 14   4/29/2011 at 12:00 (5,040 days old) by thevacuumlover1 ()        


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