Thread Number: 12377
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Post# 132443   4/15/2011 at 01:07 (4,851 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Tonight I received the following email from my old childhood friend in Virginia, the one whose mother had the Electrolux Model E that I was so fixated on.


I am going to my mom's house on Sunday. She said she will have the Electrolux boxed up for you.  I will bring it home and if you let me know where to send it to I will ship it next week.  Oh, she said her boy friend's sister (that sounds so weird) has a really old vacuum cleaner.  It doesn't run on electricity but requires the user to pump it to suck up the dirt.  Have you ever heard of this type?  My mom isn't sure if she would be willing to sell it or not, but would be willing to look into it if you're interested.



This is the fulfillment of my most, absolutely most, completely and totally most, fervent "Vacuum Cleaner Wish." I am still pinching myself.I have wondered and thought about that Electrolux for FIFTY YEARS, and I can hardly believe this most amazing turn of events.


¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ WOW !!!!!!!!


(I hope to have some other great news in a few days. Stay tuned.......)


Post# 132444 , Reply# 1   4/15/2011 at 01:08 (4,851 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




P.S.: We've exchanged some very interesting and fun "childhood reminisces" emails. I'm going to post them in the Off-Topic Department.


Post# 132456 , Reply# 2   4/15/2011 at 07:24 (4,851 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture

Great news indeed!! I haven't really had any childhood blasts from the past here, but I get such a charge out of hearing about people who do! Couldn't happen to a more deserving person, besides me!Tongue out

Post# 132484 , Reply# 3   4/15/2011 at 14:17 (4,851 days old) by luxman107 (USA )        

Post a picture when you get a chance, would love to see it.

Post# 132516 , Reply# 4   4/15/2011 at 20:59 (4,851 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture

Fantastic, Charles. Looking forward to the pictures. J

Post# 132549 , Reply# 5   4/16/2011 at 00:14 (4,850 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        



hmm, I see the "bigness" of my BIG news has been reduced... okay, I can take a hint. Embarassed

Post# 132997 , Reply# 6   4/18/2011 at 21:40 (4,848 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




I received an email from my friend stating, "The Electrolux is on its way.  They said it should get there by Friday. "


Will I be able to sleep until then?!



Post# 133046 , Reply# 7   4/19/2011 at 00:21 (4,847 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Fantastic!  That's really an incredible story ... it sure was meant to be, that this cleaner ended up with you.  :-)

Can't wait to see pictures of it!


Did they have a polisher to accompany the cleaner when you were a kid?

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