Thread Number: 12333
i love the hoover convertible model 65 and 66
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Post# 132016   4/11/2011 at 22:19 (5,028 days old) by 04gtojustin ()        

these are the two best vacuums of all time!

Post# 132021 , Reply# 1   4/11/2011 at 23:04 (5,028 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        



Well, that's entirely your opinion.  I'm sure some may agree with you, and some are going to disagree with you.  They're wonderful machines, but I don't think they take the cake as the best vacuums of all time. 


It seems like early Convertibles are all you talk about on here... are there other vacuums that interest you?

I would invite you to post pictures of your newly acquired models 65 and 66.  Share them with us!


I would also ask, in the future, that if you're going to start a new thread -- that it please have more than one sentence making a statement.  It's not conducive to creating a good conversation.





Post# 132026 , Reply# 2   4/12/2011 at 00:30 (5,028 days old) by 04gtojustin ()        

Sorry fred an i will next time i promise!! and well i do have other vacuums that i really like!!here ill tell you my story about the model 65 and 66 well when i was young like about 4 i was around my greatgramas she had the two and eveytime i was over there i would play with them all the time she had bought them brandnew way back when and well as i grew older idk lol i called them my vacs an well my greatgram and gramp new that they were mine an were to be givin to me an well when i was 9 they both passed away and my second uncles there kids gave my grandma a huge hassle and got rid of them and made sure that i wouldnt get them and well my grandma was gonna make sure that didnt happen but it was too late they had taken them and threw the 65 away and traded the 66 on a new kirby g5 at the time so i was pretty devistated and ever since then ive been eager to get those to vacuums back not because of what there worth or anything but because of the setimental value they have twords me about my childhood i meen im only 19 but i have been lookin for about 10 years and i found the two just the 65 is missing the original bag and cord and handle bt i hope i can eventually find them it would make me so happy!
Then other then that i do love the model 508 kirby my great gramas nextdoor neighboor gave me one when i was about 7 to play with and it ran beautifully but i had a few hoover convertibles that my mom threw out because my dad was complaing about me having vacuums in the house so those all went bye bye when i got home one day.

Post# 132061 , Reply# 3   4/12/2011 at 10:42 (5,027 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
Hoover 65 and 66


I am so happy that you got my 65 and 66 from my collection.   It is a good feeling for me to know that

you do appreciate them so very much. 

Hope you can share a picture one day soon, with everyone.  So they can share your happiness visually

as well as your personal story.  We all have those meaningful connections to certain Vacuums.  That

is what makes us a vacuum family !  Right !

Do enjoy !


Post# 132072 , Reply# 4   4/12/2011 at 14:29 (5,027 days old) by 04gtojustin ()        

Thanks again so much Norm! and you are most definetley right!!i will post pictures of them as soon as i get my digital camera!!
thanks again so much!

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