Thread Number: 12327
Tandem Vacuums. Ever tried it?
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Post# 131954   4/11/2011 at 18:31 (5,051 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Well, I was thinking, what If you hooked two vacuums together to increase the suction? I thought about doing it but never got to it. Have you ever done it?



Post# 131955 , Reply# 1   4/11/2011 at 18:48 (5,051 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
Last year I took apart an old Oreck 2600 and made it into a power nozzle. Unfortunately it is gone now, but it was definitely neat! I used it with my Tri Star CXL

Post# 131957 , Reply# 2   4/11/2011 at 18:57 (5,051 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

How'd you do that?



Post# 131962 , Reply# 3   4/11/2011 at 19:27 (5,051 days old) by kenkart ()        
Oreck as a power nozzle!

In the late 60s you could get a D2 Rainbow with an Oreck as the power nozzle, but very few were ever sold, a friend who was a Rainbow man in those days said it was only offered if the people had shag carpet, or had seen an Electrolux with the pn1.

Post# 131977 , Reply# 4   4/11/2011 at 19:51 (5,051 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
Joining two vacs in series or parallel doesn't increase the suction much, due to basic physics. The way to go is to add a third (and fourth) fan & chamber to a basic 70" two fan setup, which definitely raises the suction from chamber to chamber, like a multi-stage organ blower.

I have such a Stealth Ringer Vacuum Project in the works right now to blow away the unsuspecting competition in Minneapolis in September. Whoops, just disqualified myself.

Never mind...just forget I mentioned it at all.

Wee Davy's vacuum was small but oh my!

Post# 131979 , Reply# 5   4/11/2011 at 19:58 (5,051 days old) by kenkart ()        
I dont quite understand it BUT!!!

A single fan motor, like an Apex Strato Cleaner, or Sunbeam Dual Deluxe will move more air than a two or three fan set up!..Very few modern cleaners can equal these for sheer volume of air moved!

Post# 131994 , Reply# 6   4/11/2011 at 20:43 (5,051 days old) by kenkart ()        

Dave is Right, the more turbines you add the more sealed suction you can get

Post# 132032 , Reply# 7   4/12/2011 at 01:19 (5,051 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Raising hand, "I did, I did!"


Using some plumbing fittings and a spare cover from a Model R, I connected two Model L Electroluxes together. The resultant suction power was just unbelievable! I connected one of my Electrolux Air-Powered Floor Polishers to it, and I thought it was going to take off!!


An interesting note, I just noticed tonight that the two Ls I used had different bag chambers. One of them was metal, like the earlier Luxes, then the other one was plastic like the later ones!

Post# 132033 , Reply# 8   4/12/2011 at 01:25 (5,051 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




For the 2003 VCCC meeting here in Los Angeles, I reprised my "Two Headed Electrolux" and entered it into the Monster Vac competition.


It failed dismally because I kinda went overboard turning it into a Monster Vac by using a long, long hose, three wands, and an XXX/LX extra-wide commercial floor nozzle. This caused a great reduction in suction power. Especially since I had used a pair of Model S machines instead of the Model Ls which have more powerful motors.

Post# 132035 , Reply# 9   4/12/2011 at 02:10 (5,051 days old) by blackheart (North Dakota)        
Monster Luxs

blackheart's profile picture
Charles, strange question, but did the Sandlot scene where they are using three Electrolux XXXs provide any inspiration for that?

Post# 132066 , Reply# 10   4/12/2011 at 11:45 (5,050 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




@blackheart, not really. In fact, I had all but forgotten about that movie (which I saw in the theater when it came out). It was a lot of fun, and great to see the three XXXs!


See video -- the Electroluxes appear at 6:57.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK

Post# 132070 , Reply# 11   4/12/2011 at 14:17 (5,050 days old) by luxman107 (USA )        

That is awesome looking Charles...Love it;

Post# 132073 , Reply# 12   4/12/2011 at 14:39 (5,050 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

It would be fun to do a more finished, "aesthetically pleasing" version of the dual Electrolux: color-matched machines, plumbing, and third front cover. Or, better yet, figure out how to extract the "female" hose coupling from the front cover and eliminate the third cover altogether. And then integrate the two cords into one, maybe with a short "Y" connector.


And maybe remove the handles and top hardware from the two machines so they can be"wrapped" with a single outer body. The two sets of wheels, two front covers and two switches could remain, but I think it would look cool to have a large, single body. Or maybe just join the top surface with a single cover and then let the two bodies still show from the sides, fronts, rears, and undersides. Oh, if only I had a sheet metal shop... the things I could do!!

Post# 132080 , Reply# 13   4/12/2011 at 16:04 (5,050 days old) by mercuryman ()        
@ Charles...

Have you ever noticed that the Model L with a metal bag chamber makes more of an audible "whine" than the Model L with the plastic chamber? I've noticed that my blue Model L with plastic chamber is a bit quieter than my tan L with the metal chamber. I also noticed my grandma's Model AF (which had a metal chamber) pretty much sounded exactly the same as my tan L.

Post# 132081 , Reply# 14   4/12/2011 at 16:07 (5,050 days old) by kirbyloverdan (Egg Harbor Twp . NJ aka HOOVERLOVERDAN ❤️)        
They Really do Exist .

kirbyloverdan's profile picture
Both of these brands are made by Tacony .
Simplicity Synergy and the Synchrony both are Tandem machines .
Riccar Radiance Following in the tradition of the Radiance, the Riccar Brilliance features the revolutionary Tandem Air System setting a new standard for vacuums in its class. They use an Upright motor and a bypass (canister)motor.I own a brand new Riccar Radiance and it is a very good vacuum .

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