Thread Number: 12310
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Post# 131772   4/10/2011 at 19:02 (5,029 days old) by 2011hoover700 (owosso michigan)        

2011hoover700's profile picture

My hoover 63 has a serial number of  A1489034 how old does that make my cleaner? Also did the the 63s also have a shake out bag as an available option like the model 60 did? I do know they were the first cleaners to use throw away bags.


Post# 131773 , Reply# 1   4/10/2011 at 19:17 (5,029 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

To the second question- Nope. :)

The 29 (red one) (not sure what the 60 is) was the one with the dump out bag. The 62 had handy sacs, and the 63 had C bags. I believe.

Post# 131786 , Reply# 2   4/10/2011 at 20:25 (5,029 days old) by kenkart ()        

Model 60 had a weird handle release thing up at the handgrip, kind of like a trigger, but im no Hoover expert...OH FRED!!!! am I not right???

Post# 131789 , Reply# 3   4/10/2011 at 20:33 (5,029 days old) by 1926700 ()        

the sereal number of a hoover was simply to tell how many or what number yours was during prodcution.......


and the model 61 and 62 had what was called Handi-sacks.....they were large type C looking bags with both ends open and were made to be reusable....and as of now are  NLA, and around that time was the low end model 29 that had a shake out bag ....than the new 63 which came out 1953 then had the new revolutionary type c bag.....and then there was the low end to the 63 which was the 634 that had a shake out bag...that was the last upright to have a shake out bag until the 334 commercial convertible was produced (Hoover experts please correct me on that model number if needed....thankx)


hope this helps


Post# 131793 , Reply# 4   4/10/2011 at 20:50 (5,029 days old) by kenkart ()        

Are THE VERY BEST bags ever made in my opinion, I buy all I can find, and they are still out there in old hardware stores!!,I always use them in my 63 all Convertibles etc, they dont clog and breathe great, I made a filter for a Silver King out of one and it tremendously increased performance!

Post# 131801 , Reply# 5   4/10/2011 at 21:08 (5,029 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

You can still find them??!!  You must have some really interesting old hardware stores in NC!  

Post# 131805 , Reply# 6   4/10/2011 at 21:26 (5,029 days old) by kenkart ()        

We have some good ones, but they are a dying breed, I bought about 20 packs of Roll Easy bags the other day, Also these old Lewyt bags!

Post# 131825 , Reply# 7   4/10/2011 at 21:53 (5,029 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

I don't know any stores around here that have old stock like that.   It's mind boggling, like a time warp.   Maybe I should jot down a wish list and think about a trip to NC.

Post# 131827 , Reply# 8   4/10/2011 at 21:55 (5,029 days old) by kenkart ()        

Are welcome anytime!

Post# 131835 , Reply# 9   4/10/2011 at 22:10 (5,029 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

The model 634 did not have a dump-out bag; it also took a type C bag.  But it did not have a zipper; it looks like a dump out bag -- you have to slide the top off and drop the bag down in order to change the type C bag. 


Neil-- you should take Hans up on his offer.  Super nice guy, and he'll feed you like a king!  :-)


Here's my 634:

Post# 131836 , Reply# 10   4/10/2011 at 22:11 (5,029 days old) by kenkart ()        

Isnt a 60 the one with the trigger handle release??

Post# 131842 , Reply# 11   4/10/2011 at 22:25 (5,029 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

I believe it is, but its closer in resemblance to a hoover 61, rather than the 29, 62, 63, 634, 64 series. :)

Post# 131850 , Reply# 12   4/10/2011 at 23:09 (5,029 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Yep, the 60 has the trigger release in the handle.  It was the first model to get its production stopped before WWII... because it was the most expensive cleaner they were making at the time -- when Hoover had to shut down for wartime production.. After the war, it came back as the model 61 -- without the trigger handle release in the handle, and the pedal that we know and love today.  :-)



Post# 131877 , Reply# 13   4/11/2011 at 07:14 (5,029 days old) by 1926700 ()        
thank you fred.....

for that correction!...and what a simply divine 634 i might add....ill post pics later today of my 29 and complete some of the set...

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