Thread Number: 12308
OXYGEN Hose???
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Post# 131751   4/10/2011 at 17:27 (4,856 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




I tell ya, if people get any more dumb then this world surely will be doomed.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK on eBay

Post# 131761 , Reply# 1   4/10/2011 at 17:57 (4,856 days old) by kenkart ()        
As MY DAD used to say!!

Dumber than a hoe handle!!!!

Post# 131765 , Reply# 2   4/10/2011 at 18:09 (4,856 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Central vacuum motor.

Silly people.

Post# 131782 , Reply# 3   4/10/2011 at 20:11 (4,856 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
oxygen hose......

Well, I suppose you could say that...........air is drawn through the hose, and there is oxygen in the air.......


Central vacuum motor......the motor is centered within the cylinder, as opposed to being mounted on the side?



Post# 131785 , Reply# 4   4/10/2011 at 20:21 (4,856 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

One thing I have to notice, is that most of these sales, that contain the most interesting details.... almost ALWAYS say...

"no idea about item, from estate sale"

I think its kind of a bad idea to post that in an ad. You pretty much state you know nothing of the item for one, and then secondly, all you are doing is flipping it for a profit.

Its just something that bugs me a lot.


Post# 131794 , Reply# 5   4/10/2011 at 20:50 (4,856 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

When I saw the thread title, I thought you meant a hose for the Electrolux Oxygen vacuum.


I like proper descriptions too, but its better to state you don't have much knowledge about an item, rather than pretending you do, or copying the information from another source, as has been seen on Ebay in the past. I'm guessing by "central vacuum motor", the fellow meant "main power unit", or something like that, although the "oxygen hose" is a little bit ridiculous, I admit.


Nothing wrong with making a profit on Ebay, either; that's the whole point of it. I will say, however, that Ebay sellers do need to be as careful as possible with their descriptions, considering the buyer pays up front and any problems are only discovered after the sale is complete. With Kijiji, Craigslist, etc, it doesn't matter so much, because you can see the real deal before spending the money.

Post# 131864 , Reply# 6   4/11/2011 at 01:58 (4,855 days old) by gmerkt (Edmonds WA)        

Everything sireluxomatic said in post #5, times 2. Selling vacs on Ebay is best done with "full disclosure" and maximum research having been done when posting a listing. There are two reasons for this, as if I need to repeat what's already been said. (1) Fairness, and (2) To avoid problems with the buyer after the sale. Old vacs are used merchandise by definition and usually are going to have bumps and bruises. If a seller describes every ding, scratch and broken/missing part, he's acted in good faith and a buyer is informed about problems going into the deal and is less apt to be disappointed.

Another thing to consider with selling old vacs online is the amount of money involved in shipping. A seller wants to have a happy customer for sure so he doesn't have to eat the shipping when something is returned. PayPal policy requires the seller to reimburse the original shipping amount to the buyer in a return. Honesty and full disclosure will minimize losses from returns.

Still, even when you do your level best to be honest and thorough as a seller, things will go wrong. This is just the nature of business.

I don't quite understand why some sellers sometimes try to talk up an obvious POS; a buyer is going to find out eventually that it really is a POS.

For the reasons stated in post #5, above, I'm always so much more comfortable selling a vac via Craig's List. Typically, I sell the collectible vacs online and the daily users on CL.

Post# 132038 , Reply# 7   4/12/2011 at 04:39 (4,854 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

the one that wrote the "lux vacuum on the "oxygen" hose-would indeed be dumber than the hoe handle---but the hoe handle can at least be used to accomplish USEFUL work-but NOT that seller!

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