Thread Number: 12206
An old Eureka D-272 w/Attachments
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Post# 130688   4/4/2011 at 19:13 (5,035 days old) by meba2233 (Webster Groves, MO)        

Hello Everyone...

I picked this up this weekend. I thought everyone might want to see some pics as this doesn't crop up often, at least that I know of. I am not sure what the base is made of so if anyone knows. Nice two speed motor, which seems to work great. Interesing over-engineered hose hookup on the front.

Anyway...there is one pic in this thread but if you click my link there are many more.

And there was a multi-use manual with it. I have scanned it so anyone that wants to take a look can do so and download it if desired. Copy and paste: The manual has a pencil marking the vacuum was purchase in 1947.

Thanks for looking...



Post# 130691 , Reply# 1   4/4/2011 at 19:20 (5,035 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Thats a neat find. Haven't seen many eurekas like this.

Looks like yours is a bakelite hood model.

Post# 130922 , Reply# 2   4/5/2011 at 22:31 (5,034 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        

Thanks for sharing, yes, it is not a usual find. So it is a great find with
all of the attachments.
I had one back in the 80's, when I had my vacuum sales and service. Never
ran, as the armature was burned up.
I have another now, that I found with in the past decade. Then someone in
Vacuum land found the manual. So I made copies of it.
Then one day, I came upon a hose. Don't remember the story at the moment,
but another vac club friend and I were vacuum hunting I think. That was all,
just the hose but it did have the machine end coupler with it. I have yet to get it to work
There was something about those Horizonal fan chambers, as oppossed to the vertical
ones like Hoovers and later Eurekas. They seem to create more air flow, like a Royal or Kirby. Even the Hoover 115 from that same time of the late 40's and
early 50's.
If I ever decide to part with mine, I'll keep you in mine. As mine is in good
visual and running shape. Bag and cord great too. Plus it was made in '47 like
the rest of we "Baby Boomers" it was a very good year !! LOL !

Post# 130963 , Reply# 3   4/6/2011 at 07:42 (5,033 days old) by kenkart ()        

I had one of these, had to sell it when I had to sell my house years ago, it was a great machine,Consumer reports top rated this one.I have never seen another one.

Post# 130968 , Reply# 4   4/6/2011 at 08:13 (5,033 days old) by vac-o-matic (Saint Louis, Mo.)        

I have one in great condition, orignal bag, runs, but could use a new brushroll. It was left in a friends vac shop with the intention of getting a new brushroll, but he couldn't fine one, so she bought a new machine and gave it to him.  I have it's matching big brother, the model M in the same color, also have the metal one that resembles a Kirby.  The metal one has a blue replacement F&G type comversion bag, and spoils the whole look of the machine.  The M in the maroon bakelite is like someone bought it and sat it in the closet, beautiful.  That was a beautiful design, and love the swivel wheels.Smile

Post# 131059 , Reply# 5   4/6/2011 at 18:53 (5,033 days old) by kenkart ()        
D 272 vs M

The M was made pre war and I think post war also, the 272 came out about 47 or 48, Consumer reports rated the D-272 tops! And it did clean well. The M came in maroon and polished.

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