Thread Number: 12200
Hoover Model U4363-042 Need Year and Color Name
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Post# 130650   4/4/2011 at 14:26 (4,995 days old) by Automatic-Shift ()        

Hi, does anyone out there know the year vintage of this model number? I believe it to be 1978, but am unsure as the interesting thing about it has the bottom-fill bag, and of course a plastic base, but I have one and want to date it, and if color scheme is available that would be great too. Thanks, Ron

Post# 130664 , Reply# 1   4/4/2011 at 16:19 (4,995 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Could you post a picture of it? By the late 70s, Hoover started making sooooo many models/versions of the Convertible... It's hard to keep them all straight.


Post# 130665 , Reply# 2   4/4/2011 at 16:44 (4,995 days old) by Automatic-Shift ()        

Hi, it's still sealed in the original box! So, I'm not ready to unveil it, but thought I would ask. Thanks, Ron

Post# 130698 , Reply# 3   4/4/2011 at 20:15 (4,995 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

I found a spec sheet for a very similar model in my "binder-o-spec sheets"; it's a totally bottom of the line machine; it doesn't even have a height adjustment.  I would be surprised if it sold for more than $29.99 when it was new/in stores.


The spec sheet I found is for the U4363.  I'm not sure what your machine's "-042" refers to.  Sometimes they added those numbers if the cleaner came with a set of tools or extra bags or something.  I would date the cleaner as early/mid 80's, too... definitely not late 70's.






Post# 130699 , Reply# 4   4/4/2011 at 20:16 (4,995 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        


Post# 130700 , Reply# 5   4/4/2011 at 20:25 (4,995 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

...So, it's a low-end convertible?


Post# 130791 , Reply# 6   4/5/2011 at 15:40 (4,994 days old) by Automatic-Shift ()        

Hi, indeed the box simply has a graphic of what looks like an 'estate' Convertible of the time, so I wouldn't have known what's inside. But, the box looks older than '80's, but I think I tend to agree with you that is likely early '80's. In fact, maybe 'Olympic Blue' for '80 or '84 Olympics? Anyway, I appreciate it, and I like the color scheme, and yes a very basic Convertible, but more than one got in the '90's basic; at least it has beater bars! Ron

Post# 130792 , Reply# 7   4/5/2011 at 16:17 (4,994 days old) by Automatic-Shift ()        
Confirmed Date

Hi, my friend at the Hoover Historical Center helped confirm the date...1986, later than I supposed as it is a bottom-fill, and by then top-fill was most common, but alas it's true. And, factory-sealed for 25 years. Thanks Fred for the info. Ron

Post# 130871 , Reply# 8   4/5/2011 at 20:31 (4,994 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Yeah, Hoover made so many models of the Convertible, I think it was most cost-effective for them to use somewhat "generic" boxes between all of the different models.  I think I have that same box -- we had a few of those "generic" boxes laying around holding Christmas decorations and other various 'things' at the Hoover store when I worked there... I snagged one at one point, and now my U4127 is currently living in that box.


I wouldn't be 100% sure that your cleaner has beater bars.. in fact, even the spec-sheet infers that it doesn't (see picture --"smooth steel shell").  That's how BOL this cleaner was... like I said -- probably a $29.99 special... that's also why the cleaner still used a bottom-fill bag; by then the bottom-fill bag was the "old" technology, which paired nicely with the lower-end cleaners.


Glad your friend at the HHC was able to give you a more specific date.



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