Thread Number: 12165
Vacuum pics on page 29 of Newsletter!!!
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Post# 130329   4/2/2011 at 17:00 (4,941 days old) by kenkart ()        

How many did YOU know! At the bottom is a Eureka built Wards tank,from right to left is a Royal, the the most powerful of them all.."In My humble opinion!" an Apex 603!! This is the one made like a Royal handvac, the motor is in a seald chamber and the dirt goes AROUND it and into the bag, if you have never got to see one of these it is really something, it will literally lift a good sized throw rug off the floor!, Next is a Premier, then the Hoover 61 I think,then a GE and then.."Oh RICK!!!" a Universal!, then Eurekas 2 cleaners, the upright from which all later Eurekas came and the tank, the early version of which was cardboard!

Post# 130397 , Reply# 1   4/2/2011 at 23:54 (4,941 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Here's the picture in question:

One of those Apex cleaners would be a dream to find...

Post# 130410 , Reply# 2   4/3/2011 at 07:45 (4,941 days old) by 1926700 ()        

i have that upright Eureka.....and i use to have that exact same Premier....

and really.....i think out of everything on that page....the Hoover 61 would out clean all those.....

just my two cents...

Post# 130419 , Reply# 3   4/3/2011 at 09:37 (4,941 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Isn't that blue Universal on the left side the one that just sold on ebay with one bid? I hope someone got it. I know they are very very rare. Never seen another one for sale.

Post# 130420 , Reply# 4   4/3/2011 at 09:48 (4,941 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

That apex looks kinda like my friends monitor vacuum. Its a rebadged apex 601.

Post# 130427 , Reply# 5   4/3/2011 at 10:44 (4,940 days old) by kenkart ()        
Apex 601 and 603

The 601 was the standard model, it was a great cleaner also, but was designed basically like most other cleaners of the time, the 603 in the newsletter pic, is a super deluxe model, it is two speed, but what makes it unique is the way it is designed, notice how large the housing is, the motor is mounted in the center of the air strean, completely sealed in a can like housing, it made it quiter, but it had a much larger passage for the air to travel in, in other words the airflow was much less restricted, making it a very efficient cleaner, I would love to get my hands on one as I have never seen but one, and Jimmy Martin has it in Tennessee.

Post# 130464 , Reply# 6   4/3/2011 at 17:08 (4,940 days old) by DysonAnimal ()        

One of the Vacuum-of-the-Day pics.

Somewhere I have another scan of an ad for this model, where the motor/airduct design is called the 'Windtunnel' system!

Post# 130465 , Reply# 7   4/3/2011 at 17:10 (4,940 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
Well HELLO Jack!

Post# 130470 , Reply# 8   4/3/2011 at 17:59 (4,940 days old) by kenkart ()        
Apex upright!

If you have never seen one of these in person, it really can't be believed, along with fantastic airflow, it has a brushroll very similar to the Eureka Disturbulator,which really tears up the nap, but I have witnessed one of these lifting a good sized throw rug completely off the floor,you really can't compare them with any thing made at the time,or very little of what is made today.

Post# 130472 , Reply# 9   4/3/2011 at 18:27 (4,940 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Normally I don't like to post any of the PODs in any of the forums.. but I'm gonna do it mow, too.  Here's the "Windtunnel" one... I noticed that a long time ago when this was a POD.  I wondered if Apex was going to file a lawsuit against Hoover.  LoL 


Although I noticed the Apex in the picture you posted, Jack, seems to be a different model than the one in question.  Either, though, would a fabulous find!

Post# 130489 , Reply# 10   4/3/2011 at 19:17 (4,940 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        
We interrupt this Apex commercial for the following announce

Brandon, When you posted the note about the Universal Upright - the auction was still going.

It has ended now.

And yes someone did win it.


Post# 130490 , Reply# 11   4/3/2011 at 19:23 (4,940 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Whoops! So sorry! I thought it ended yesterday. Must have looked at the auction end date wrong.

So who might have won it?

Post# 130491 , Reply# 12   4/3/2011 at 19:24 (4,940 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        


Post# 130492 , Reply# 13   4/3/2011 at 19:26 (4,940 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


Rick be hiding something from us!

Post# 130644 , Reply# 14   4/4/2011 at 13:05 (4,939 days old) by kenkart ()        

The pic you posted is the super deluxe 603, the other one is the 601, notice how the motor is mounted in a sealed case in the center of the airstrean, just like a royal hand vac, these move a unbelieveable amount of air, I would love to find one, they were made in blue and a beautiful burgandy like the Apex tanks were,they had a spatter finish over the base color which was very attractive.

Post# 130645 , Reply# 15   4/4/2011 at 13:07 (4,939 days old) by kenkart ()        
of yeah!

The brush on the 603 runs BACKWARDS!!

Post# 130656 , Reply# 16   4/4/2011 at 15:01 (4,939 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
apex blue upright !

OH How I would love to have one of those as my last Vac to play with. A neighbor
had one back in 54/55. That had been her mothers. She ran it every day (2 small
kids to clean up after). I would bearly hear that machine running and I would go
across the street to visit ! OH how I wanted to try it out. She had 9x12 rugs
onto top of old warn out wool wall to wall. I distinkly remember seeing that machine, lifting those rugs High, when she vacuum with it. I never realized what
made it differnt at the time, but I knew there was something about it that made
a unique machine. It is the only one I ever saw, until pictures appeared in the
the club postings.

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