Thread Number: 12162
Estate Sales 4-2-2011
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Post# 130303   4/2/2011 at 13:40 (4,972 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

The porchload...

A very nice Hoover 115, with the hose and converter; a lovely Panasonic Jet-Flo with its tool set and manual (after I said what I said in this thread the other day...) And Robert found a fabulous Maytag Brochure! We Also got about 15 50s/60s magazines that didn't make it into the pictures, but I found what's going to be a FABULOUS vacuum of the day on Monday!

Post# 130304 , Reply# 1   4/2/2011 at 13:41 (4,972 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

115 and Hose... probably going to clean it up and give it away in the raffle at the Convention.

Post# 130305 , Reply# 2   4/2/2011 at 13:42 (4,972 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

The delicious Panasonic Jet-Flo. Incredible condition!

Post# 130306 , Reply# 3   4/2/2011 at 13:42 (4,972 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Tools... Never seen this floor tool before!

Post# 130307 , Reply# 4   4/2/2011 at 13:43 (4,972 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

I rarely, if ever bring a cleaner into the house and before wiping it down, just plug 'n play... But this is in such minty/clean shape, I broke my rule today!

Post# 130310 , Reply# 5   4/2/2011 at 14:11 (4,972 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        
Either the gods are looking favorably on you

or you've made a pact with the devil. I rarely find so much great stuff at the sales I go to. Or is it that I keep hitting the sales after you've already been there? I'm seething with envy, but still very happy for you. Congratulations on another great haul. Btw, I still have the tools from my Jetflo, including that same floor attachment.

Post# 130312 , Reply# 6   4/2/2011 at 14:22 (4,972 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

I really don't mean to find these things... Robert drags me, kicking and screaming (honest!) to the sales every weekend. Then these machines are there... And I feel obligated to buy them because he's gone through such painstaking effort to get me to go along to the sales. :-D ((I have to justify it somehow ... hehe))

You'll have to come sailing with us sometime.

Post# 130313 , Reply# 7   4/2/2011 at 14:23 (4,972 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
It's a good thing we found this new vacuum because our other vacuum was broken

Post# 130319 , Reply# 8   4/2/2011 at 15:24 (4,972 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Oh sure - you ask the brand new guy to go sailing with you - but NOT me!

I even have a Captain's hat and can shout out orders---

ie: Shiver me timbers lads

Tie off that mainsail

Come 'round starboard

And the ever popular.....we're gonna need a bigger boat.

Fine. Whatever -

Post# 130320 , Reply# 9   4/2/2011 at 15:25 (4,972 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

And even though I'm all booger-ed up now - nice finds guys.

Post# 130324 , Reply# 10   4/2/2011 at 16:46 (4,972 days old) by kenkart ()        

Panasonic, I remember selling some in the early 80s when they first were getting popular here!

Post# 130327 , Reply# 11   4/2/2011 at 16:55 (4,972 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        
Ya, SURE Robert drags you to garage sales kicking and scream

kirbylux77's profile picture
HAHA! I am sure it doesn't take much to convince you to go, especially when you pick up little gems like this Panasonic. I am sure Robert can attest to that how easily you are convinced....

But seriously, Fred....what a lucky find! These older Panasonic Jet-Flos, especially in this style, are getting really hard to find now. And this one looks MINT! Like it was just taken out of the box. The oldest one I have is a purple one, from 1995 or 1996, 12 amp, with the headlight and Quickdraw hose system....but would love to find one of these older Panasonics though, they are such good vacs. And the Hoover is a very nice find, too.

Robert, congrats on finding your Maytag poster there. And your joke in the post above is HILARIOUS! Love your humor there....


Post# 130347 , Reply# 12   4/2/2011 at 18:44 (4,972 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

Sure Fred, I'd love to go with you sometime, but we'd have to lay some ground rules first. For instance, what if we spot something we both want. Do we wrestle for it? Draw straws? Leave it up to a jury of peers?

Post# 130389 , Reply# 13   4/2/2011 at 23:11 (4,972 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

(D) All of the above. LoL, in all seriousness, we could take it on a case by case basis. I certainly have many many more machines in my collection than you do in yours. I would probably be very likely to pass on most things if someone else along with is eying it up. Unless it's a ...... :-) (just kidding)

This post was last edited 04/03/2011 at 00:03
Post# 130424 , Reply# 14   4/3/2011 at 10:18 (4,971 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Is your Panasonic a Performance plus, and does it have a metal stick-handle, or is it plastic? I would be able to date it as soon as I get an answer. Here's my 1996 Performance Plus in green:

Post# 130425 , Reply# 15   4/3/2011 at 10:27 (4,971 days old) by hamiltonbeachbo (Milwaukee )        

Great finds this weekend.
The Panasonic is a wonderful machine.
Bought one new in '85 and it's still working great today.
Doesn't look as pristine as your find but still works well.

Post# 130663 , Reply# 16   4/4/2011 at 15:54 (4,970 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        
Sam, this is just a regular Panasonic Quickdraw with metal h

kirbylux77's profile picture
But, funny you mention the Performance Plus, as I seen one EXACTLY like yours in a Goodwill a couple of years back but passed it up, as it had a LOT of difficulty with tilting back the powerhead to use figured there must be some deformed plastic or something really bad not worth salvaging. I am so regretting that now....

I also have a Panasonic Performance Plus Platinum in my collection too, silver, from 2001, and it has the metal bottom plate and metal brushroll. This vacuum I found at the side of the road, just dumped there, and in like new shape....just some minor scuffs on the bag door that you couldn't see in a photo. I can't believe someone would just dump it at the side of the road, since they sell for $299 new at my local vac shop, but then again, their loss is my gain....:P.


PS- Sam, I do know for CERTAIN it's one of those dates, for my Panasonic Quickdraw, as I seen the date stamp inside the bag cover....just couldn't remember for certain which one when I posted.

Post# 130673 , Reply# 17   4/4/2011 at 17:22 (4,970 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I have the original price tag for mine- Bought new in 1996 and it was $450!!!


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