Thread Number: 12148
Electrolux upright
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Post# 130185   4/1/2011 at 19:50 (5,038 days old) by kenkart ()        

I wonder who likes the old big Electrolux upright,I know they are heavy and bulky, but I have always thought that was the best upright I ever saw, what is your opinion, I would still be using mine but can't find bags!!

Post# 130186 , Reply# 1   4/1/2011 at 20:37 (5,038 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

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One of the vacuum stores here still sells bags for them. I'll try to remember to get a price next week

Post# 130188 , Reply# 2   4/1/2011 at 20:52 (5,038 days old) by kenkart ()        

Would be great, Thanks, Thanks again for posting all the great pics of the Canadian Luxes, I hope to find one someday, I love the Coronado I got, really unique.

Post# 130214 , Reply# 3   4/1/2011 at 22:09 (5,038 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hi Hans - that just reminded me - I found the vaccum end of the hose for the Coronado the other day. I have it sitting next to my computer for you.

Post# 130219 , Reply# 4   4/1/2011 at 22:23 (5,038 days old) by bisonian (Where the buffalo roamed! (Ocala, FL))        
Old Lux "Heavy Duty" Uprights

I like the old beasts. Built like a tank, and about as heavy as one, too. Does a nice job on my medium-pile carpet. Not too loud, not too shrill. My only real complaint is that the cord's too short. Would be nice if it had a headlight too, but not a big deal without it.

Post# 130237 , Reply# 5   4/1/2011 at 23:47 (5,038 days old) by kenkart ()        


Post# 130296 , Reply# 6   4/2/2011 at 11:46 (5,038 days old) by sleepdoc (St. Louis, MO)        

sleepdoc's profile picture
I like mine a lot. It needs a new brush roll, and the seals on the bag cover have dried and become brittle and cracked on mine, so I don't use it, but it's a very nice upright.

Post# 130297 , Reply# 7   4/2/2011 at 11:46 (5,038 days old) by sleepdoc (St. Louis, MO)        

sleepdoc's profile picture
I should have added that that vacuum was a gift from John Pease. Thanks for another one, John!

Post# 130301 , Reply# 8   4/2/2011 at 13:27 (5,037 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Anyone have any pictures of what we're talking about? I assume it's the original Lux upright? Not the ones like they still sell?

Post# 130309 , Reply# 9   4/2/2011 at 13:56 (5,037 days old) by sleepdoc (St. Louis, MO)        

sleepdoc's profile picture
I can take some. I don't have any ready right now.

Post# 130331 , Reply# 10   4/2/2011 at 17:09 (5,037 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
I'm confuzzled too - I know we don't mean the Trivac portable stickvac, I'm thinkin'...

Do you mean a beast like this, Hans?

Takes the Electrolux 'U' bag that is about 1.5X larger than the 'C' bag for cylinders?
I see these in thrift stores frequently but usually bashed up and a more - or less - domestic version. This one is Industrial Grade and quite powerful for an upright. Does a splendid job on the low pile carpets. Pulls 42" through the hose, which is of course fully directed to the brushroll in upright mode with the hose flap closed.

Post# 130332 , Reply# 11   4/2/2011 at 17:14 (5,037 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
13" wide wood brushroll with two chevron rows of brush.
Can't find a date on it but the orange 'safety' cord has no ground - two blades only. !

Post# 130335 , Reply# 12   4/2/2011 at 17:25 (5,037 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        
Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee...

aeoliandave's profile picture
A lightweight, upright, top-loading vacuum cleaner wherein a seal between the disk of a filter bag and a duct for conveying dirt-laden air to the bag is provided adjacent the outer peripheral edges of the disk resulting in the disk becoming an integral part of the seal while eliminating pressure...
Inventors: Leonard E. Bowerman, Daniel A. Peragine, George C. Moyher
Assignee: Sara Lee Corporation

Post# 130339 , Reply# 13   4/2/2011 at 17:44 (5,037 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
I wonder if this is Electrolux upright in question.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO eurekastar's LINK on eBay

Post# 130359 , Reply# 14   4/2/2011 at 20:33 (5,037 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hey Dave:

This is the style of Electrolux upright we were talking about. They were a very bulky machine but worked well.


Post# 130367 , Reply# 15   4/2/2011 at 21:32 (5,037 days old) by normvac (COLUMBUS, OHIO)        
Lux upright 1451

Doug, great picture. I had one of those back in 1989, with the attachments. If I recall, you had to open the top, like
replacing the paper bag. Then you attached an
adapter of some type. Am I remembering correctly ??
Great up right, real beast. With wands and the combo
carpet and floor brush.
Currently I have the newer Genesis, Blue and Gray one. I really like it, with headlight on it. Does an awesome job
on burbber carpet as well as a very thick oriental area rug.
Plus like NOT having to use the attachments for the kitchen and hallway. Just turn the brush off and keep on vacuuming.
Then when I am doing a good job of cleaning, the electric hose
plugs in the top of the machine for suction. Then the pigtail
plugs in the back of the machine so I can use the Side Kick on
the steps and furiture.
I reall don't understand why Lux has not sold tons of them.
Probably must Lux customers are cannister thinkng people.
Hope to get a hold of a newer one, with the Hose attached.
Not ever seen one to use. Wonder if they have an electrical
plug on the machine so you can use the Side Kick ??
Anyone have or used one ?

Post# 130369 , Reply# 16   4/2/2011 at 21:38 (5,037 days old) by bisonian (Where the buffalo roamed! (Ocala, FL))        

Bill's link above has several pictures that show the 1451 in detail.

Mine is the 1363. I've always wondered, can anyone tell me the differences between that and the 1451?

Post# 130379 , Reply# 17   4/2/2011 at 22:15 (5,037 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

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If I remember correctly from the repair manuals there wasnt much difference between the models, just the colour of them.

Mine is the 1363 as well. As far as I know that was the only one sold in Canada.

Post# 130714 , Reply# 18   4/4/2011 at 21:41 (5,035 days old) by cleaningbuff (Quincy, IL)        
newer one with hose attatched

cleaningbuff's profile picture
Go to my photo album, look at pics of lux 4000 and you will see the one with the on board hose. It also has a regular electric hose for the sidekick that plugs in direct. You take off the on board hose and replace it with the power hose.
The port has built in electrical contacts.
These machines were discontinued because they were prone to stopping up in the attached wand when used to suck up things that should not have been.

Post# 279681 , Reply# 19   5/7/2014 at 15:28 (3,906 days old) by kevin (Livonia)        
"Heavy Duty" "Commercial"

What constitutes a machine being called "Heavy Duty"--like the 1363, 1451, and 1451E?

What are the main differences of a residential vacuum cleaner and a commercial one?

Post# 279750 , Reply# 20   5/8/2014 at 09:42 (3,906 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
Difference ?

Might be a bit like the old joke--
Q-What is the difference between a vacuum cleaner and a home sanitation system?
A-About $500 dollars!
In many cases a household vac is good enough for commercial (church,motel,store,etc) use as is but there are differences.
With the above Elux upright changes included the name and label,longer,thicker cord(I think 3 wire)and spacer under upper cord hook to allow it to hold more cord,stronger bottom plate and I think 3 row brush instead of 2 row.There was a brochure for comm customers to promote the upright along with a tank (L or Special depending on year).
With other good vacs such as Hoover and Eureka colors and labels are changed along with longer cords,bigger cord hooks,stronger handles,choice of dirt cup or shake out bag,etc.

Post# 312997 , Reply# 21   1/22/2015 at 23:43 (3,646 days old) by Kevin (Livonia)        

I noticed in the 1979 Olympia One manual that it mentions that a commercial version of the upright was available (the pic shows a tan Model 1363 that had been sold during the Super J era, but I'm thinking that the Model 1451 was introduced around 1979). So I'm wondering now if the Model 1451E was the commercial version of the Model 1451 with an electric hose and some of what Jimmy mentioned in reply #20? That's the one that would have had the scarlet rectangle with the vertical white or silver "Electrolux" letters.


1) Olympia One/1401B manual back cover mentioning the commercial upright verion
2 ff) Pics of current Model 1451E eBay auction (the ratings are listed on the handle assembly hinge but you can't read them well)

  Photos...       <              >      Photo 1 of 10         View Full Size
Post# 313026 , Reply# 22   1/23/2015 at 09:28 (3,646 days old) by rugsucker (Elizabethton TN)        
Electrolux uprights

There was no electric hose on the original style upright.Other than the adapter the atts were same as a standard Mo L until upright atts came complete in a storage box with a vinyl hose during the gray Silverado period.
Electric hose for Sidekick came on later Discovery styles after first using a strap on cord.

Post# 313149 , Reply# 23   1/23/2015 at 20:16 (3,645 days old) by Kevin (Livonia)        

What did the "E" stand for in the model # then, Jimmy?

I thought it stood for "electric hose", because of the Genesis LXe or am I wrong about that, too?

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