OK, Perhaps not, but I am always on the quest for new products to help us vacuum enthusiasts to rebuild our machines as close as possible to like-new conditions.
I stumbled on this: It's a spray paint that is lacquer based, and comes in 75 colors if it comes in ten. I went to this store near Atlanta the other day, and saw this huge rack of spray cans a foot taller than me. It was loaded with just about every color in the rainbow - so I am sure there would be a color close enough to match most vacuum finishes. I didn't read much about them,(I mix most of my paints from industrial or automotive finishes), but thought I would post this. There have been some questions lately about painting machines. As to the durability of the product - I can't tell - but if lacquer based, it could be coated over with a clear protective finish. The product sheet says it dries to a matte finish, and most vacuum finishes would be semi-gloss or high gloss. Just a suggestion.
I was glad to see all these colors in a spray can.
I just read the ad. It says it comes in 204 colors. I think you're suppose to be able to click on the PDF link to see a chart - but it won't work for me. I think this is the stuff that graffiti guys use to paint the backs of road signs.
Post# 130098 , Reply# 2   3/31/2011 at 22:38 (5,039 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()  
I usually use Rustoleum rattle can paints. I have found a good match for the hoover 150 original paints that is a Rostoleum color. Stone gray I think it was. I have a can of it now. Shall see what it turns out like when I paint them.
I also like to stick to Rustoleum Appliance paint in general. That seems to be the best resulting rattle can paint I have found.
We have a Blick art supply store here in town, and I've seen those when I've been in there. I'll have to pick up a can sometime and go paint a road sign... err... a vacuum cleaner.