After taking photos of my vacs to post yesterday I thought I'd give some of them a little loving attention, starting with the Hoover. My problem is that the carriage for the beater bar won't swing up, it's stuck in place. I've had the vacuum for over a year but this is the first time I've ever tried to open it up. I managed to unlock the latch, but the thing won't budge, even after a dose of spray lubricant. Any ideas on what tactics I can use to open it up so I can change the belt and do a little detail cleaning?
Post# 129700 , Reply# 1   3/29/2011 at 12:47 (5,001 days old) by HooverCelebrity(Germany)  
Try gently prying at them with a flathead screwdriver. Even on a lot of the model 28s, 29s, 63s, etc... that I've encountered, those little clippy things that you flip out to gain access to the agitator get so embedded with grit from the carpet over the years, they need some help opening up.
Post# 129705 , Reply# 2   3/29/2011 at 13:43 (5,001 days old) by henry200(Saint Paul MN)  
I wish it was that simple! On these machines it's a far more elaborate set up. I performed the proceedure on my parents' old one many times. The roller is in a hinged carrier/housing which unlocks in the center front and then is (supposed to!) swing up and back. The hinge points are near where the wheels are attached. Once the whole business is swung up, then you remove the roller from the back side of the frame. I'm afraid of trying to pry anywhere for fear of damaging the aluminum shell.
That's right.. shows you how often I take the brushroll out of my 700.. lol.. I would still try gently prying with a screwdriver, just don't use excessive force.