Thread Number: 12099
A vacuum related thread by Crevicetool. (I know - hard to believe right)?
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Post# 129599   3/28/2011 at 23:00 (4,869 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Well, it was time. I had had enough. I couldn't breathe anymore. I have rented a storage shed. Between the remnants of the NC57 units/parts, and my own "yet to do" stash - the garage and attic had become uninhabitable. (That is - if you habit in the garage or attic - it no longer posible, thus the "un").

Anyway, here's pictures of the stuff carefully placed in an 10' X 10' off site storage facility.

Post# 129602 , Reply# 1   3/28/2011 at 23:03 (4,869 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

The stuff on the right is NC57. Which in just a few days/weeks will make it's last appearance on EBay - then unfortunately will succumb to 1-800-got junk.

Post# 129605 , Reply# 2   3/28/2011 at 23:05 (4,869 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

The left side is mine except for a couple of items that are being stored/awaiting restoration by others not me.

Post# 129609 , Reply# 3   3/28/2011 at 23:08 (4,869 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

You can see in the front some of my finishing experiments. Got pretty close with the "hammertone" on that Lux "E". And yeah, that is my paint job on there. Still too much texture - I don't want to be able to "feel" the dimples.

Post# 129611 , Reply# 4   3/28/2011 at 23:13 (4,869 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Isn't there a thread on here about uprights vs. canisters? Any wonder what my favorite is? I will be using the shed just long enough to get rid of the NC57, and to organize my stuff so that I can start working on some machines when the weather breaks. Took me all day Saturday to move this stuff. Nine van Loads.

Just thought I would share.


Post# 129616 , Reply# 5   3/28/2011 at 23:22 (4,869 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

I haven't gotten a storage facility yet.. but probably should. I fear it would be the beginning of the end...

Post# 129667 , Reply# 6   3/29/2011 at 06:45 (4,868 days old) by luxg ()        

Wow Rick, I am sure that your garage and attic look bare! It's amazing how these machines can pile up. Fred you are right, it just might be the beginning of the end!LOL

PS That hammertone looks pretty darn good to me on that E

Post# 129689 , Reply# 7   3/29/2011 at 10:44 (4,868 days old) by kenkart ()        
I hope !!

We can get down to see you all soon, seems everytime we try to go somewhere, something fouls us up!!

Post# 129691 , Reply# 8   3/29/2011 at 10:51 (4,868 days old) by petek (Ontario)        

Been watching Hoarders have you. Good luck on keeping the garage and attic empty. Your nature adores a vacuum so that space will be filled right back up in no time

Post# 129985 , Reply# 9   3/30/2011 at 23:14 (4,867 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        

djtaylor's profile picture
Rick, I have to tell you that I am in love with that Lux 't'. I have been trying to find one for my collection for years. The only ones I've see on eBay are being listed for $300+(and are not selling). If you ever want to sell it, let me know.

Post# 130088 , Reply# 10   3/31/2011 at 22:06 (4,866 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

I thought someone would have mentioned the silver "E" with the partial red lettering......oh, well. It was an experiment.

Hans, I hope so too!

Pete - I really am at my limit. One or two "special" machines, and I am done. Spelled D O N E !!!!

Justin. If you look at the picture carefully, the "T" is missing it's wheels. I'll have to manufacture a wheel assembly for it. I got this machine for very little on EBay -(shipping was twice as much as the unit itself)... with no tools or hose. Well, I take that back, it had a hose but it disintegrated in my hands when I pulled it out of the box.

Usually, this is what I do - buy or otherwise acquire the stuff no one else wants and restore it. The "T", being a Hammertone finish, will have to wait until the magic formulation of pigments, vehicles, and additives are found. It runs as if it were brand new though.

Here is a machine I am particularly proud of:

Post# 130089 , Reply# 11   3/31/2011 at 22:07 (4,866 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Another view:

Post# 130091 , Reply# 12   3/31/2011 at 22:07 (4,866 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

TA - DA!!!!

Post# 130092 , Reply# 13   3/31/2011 at 22:08 (4,866 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        


Post# 130102 , Reply# 14   3/31/2011 at 22:47 (4,866 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
"Here is a machine I am particularly proud of"

As well you should be, Mr Winkler.
I hope to do the same thing with my Lewyt 107 Electronic in time for the Convention...fortunately it is not hammertone but more of a metalflake silverblue.

Oh how well I empathize with that pesky shrinking square footage problem.
Relief is on the way and in the works with a heated 30 x 20 foot 3rd floor windowed room in the circa 1901 former Imperial/Krug furniture factory building two blocks away. At $75/month with some built-in wall shelves it will give me a much needed overflow space for at least half of the vacuum collection and other stuff while I re-organize and cull the house clutter. With the usual U-Stor-It garages around town renting at $180/mth for a 20 x 10 unheated I was seriously considering a Rent-A-Box planted on my side yard.
But then, my buddy at work reminded me he has 4 large rooms on the 3rd floor and wants to give up two - I already have my Ampico Baby Spinet in storage there. With a fully functioning funky freight elevator it will also be a great place to stash some massive pedal pipes and chests taking up room in the garage and basement.

I literally have no spare space in the house to shift things to in order to empty out one room at a time to renovate. BUT I"M NOT A HOARDER!!! Just a valuable Junk Whore on the road to recovery. "Hello, My name is Dave and I like old stuff..." LOL
Krug is still in business but the Stratford factory was vacated in 2006. The main floor is now occupied by a cartage/storage firm and the upper 3 floors are rented out as studios for potters, costume cutters, a Kung Fu Karate club and so on, including a guy who makes beautiful custom chairs and tables.

Hope to begin moving at the end of April when Spring is a more reasonable expectation.


CLICK HERE TO GO TO aeoliandave's LINK

Post# 130155 , Reply# 15   4/1/2011 at 12:35 (4,865 days old) by klectrolux ()        

That Westinghouse vacuum looks beautiful! What a world of difference, excellent job on restoring. I love seeing before and after shots!

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