Thread Number: 12097
While we're talking about Celebrities...
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Post# 129580   3/28/2011 at 22:38 (4,947 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

I'm posting this in the vintage forum, because.. well, I'm the webmaster, and we're going to soon be changing the terms of "vintage and contemporary" ... stay tuned. Anyways, the design of the Celebrity is from the 70's, so that's my justification.

I had the camera out tonight, and thought I'd snap a few pictures... Here are my Celebrities asleep on their shelves...

Post# 129581 , Reply# 1   3/28/2011 at 22:39 (4,947 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Two more ... floaters. The yellow one has a powerhead, the orange one is straight-suction.

Post# 129584 , Reply# 2   3/28/2011 at 22:42 (4,947 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        
This one was a dream find...

A Commercial Celebrity from the mid 80s... I found it on eBay last year, and just about peed my pants when I saw the listing. It's a cleaner that I have the Spec-Sheet for, and never, ever, ever, thought I'd see one, much less find one.

Post# 129585 , Reply# 3   3/28/2011 at 22:42 (4,947 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Here she is with her tools... not sure if it came with an upholstery tool, mine didn't come with it..

Post# 129586 , Reply# 4   3/28/2011 at 22:43 (4,947 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

I LOOOOOOOOVE the 10-foot 'Tufflex' hose!

Post# 129589 , Reply# 5   3/28/2011 at 22:47 (4,947 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Gorgeous all chrome lid - with step on/off switch towards the back of the lid on the machine. It has 3 swivel casters which are just a little bigger than what the regular Celebrities had on them... And a 35' or 40' heavy-duty cord.

I did a total 'spa treatment' on it when I got it... it's a bit on the noisy side, but all Celebrities tend to be noisy after you take the motor apart.

Post# 129590 , Reply# 6   3/28/2011 at 22:48 (4,947 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

WOW! Fred, all your machines are gorgeous! I have never fully encountered a celebrity in person. I have seen many at glance, but never examined one.

I find the red/chrome and green/chrome to be the best color combo!

That one model without red cap looks like a WAFFLE IRON! or something! Would probably look at it and think "oh thats not a vacuum!"

Very cool!

Post# 129591 , Reply# 7   3/28/2011 at 22:49 (4,947 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

When's the last time you saw a cloth dump-out type H bag? I don't use it, but am glad I have it!

The motor shaft in the powerhead is a little bit bigger than the domestic version powerhead motor, so it drives the brushroll a bit faster. The powerhead also has a circuit breaker built in to it ... in case one jams something in it.

Post# 129619 , Reply# 8   3/28/2011 at 23:26 (4,947 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        
Orange one

I've actually wanted one of these futuristic looking things. I've never ever seen something like this it's cool and yes would make schoolmates go"Dude what is that thing? is that a spaceship?" If i had to pick i'd have to go with the orange colored one it's that cool in orange just like any other Hoover. All Hoovers in my opinion look neat in orange becaue it stands out more.

Post# 129632 , Reply# 9   3/28/2011 at 23:43 (4,947 days old) by Automatic-Shift ()        
Hoover Commercial

I have never known of this Commercial Celebrity, and I have to have one, somehow I hope I'm lucky enough to find one soon, and as much as I like the Guardsman, I think I prefer the commercial version even more. Although, I might add that the Guardsman is technically commercial too. What year was it made? It looks early '80's to me, but possibly earlier. Love it, and thanks for sharing. Ron

Post# 129720 , Reply# 10   3/29/2011 at 15:28 (4,946 days old) by alexb1186 (Ferguson/St. Louis, MO)        
Nice Fred

alexb1186's profile picture
Is that 3195 QS on the shelf a "vaulty" machine by chance? And yay that the forum timelines are finally going to be updated after 5 years.

Post# 129721 , Reply# 11   3/29/2011 at 15:59 (4,946 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
Thanks for posting photos of your commercial model! I really like the polished chrome look on burnt orange. That was quite a find!

Post# 129723 , Reply# 12   3/29/2011 at 17:12 (4,946 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
Fred - That is such a cool commercial Celebrity. That bag is one strange item, isn't it? I can just see some little old ladies sewing them up in the back of the Hoover factory...

Post# 129760 , Reply# 13   3/29/2011 at 20:14 (4,946 days old) by hamiltonbeachbo (Milwaukee )        

Love the commercial Celebrity.
Remember giving it a test drive on the beautiful blue carpet.
Great fun and a wonderful machine.
Thanks for sharing.
Look forward to your changes to the site.
Should be great fun.

Post# 129779 , Reply# 14   3/29/2011 at 21:48 (4,946 days old) by moderncleveland (Cleveland)        

moderncleveland's profile picture
Vintage will always be vintage, right? (And contemporary will always be contemporary?) In the words of _Wayne's World_, "We _fear_ change!"

Love the colors!

Post# 129812 , Reply# 15   3/29/2011 at 23:02 (4,946 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Vintage will always be vintage, right? (And contemporary will always be contemporary?)

Yes. I'm probably going to say that 'vintage' is anything older than 20 years. And kill the current '1980' cutoff.

Post# 129821 , Reply# 16   3/30/2011 at 00:05 (4,946 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        
Love the Celebrities

I love the shape of these things. I think they are really cool and space age looking. I'll someday have one of these things in what color i don't know. I'd like to try and get an orange one if i'm able to. Fred nice collectiontyou have . If it was up to me i'd take every single orange colored Hoover you have for my collection. LOL

Post# 129853 , Reply# 17   3/30/2011 at 07:10 (4,946 days old) by constellation86 (Roy, UT)        

Wow Fred That's an awesome Celebrity! I love the red tools. What model number is it?

Post# 129866 , Reply# 18   3/30/2011 at 09:58 (4,946 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Yes, Alex, that Celeb is from the vault. Didn't come with the tool holder or the correct attachments, but I have the hose and powerhead. Still smells new. Runs like I've never heard any Celebrity run before. Of course, dirt has never entered it.

The model number for the Commercial Celebrity is S7053.

Post# 129868 , Reply# 19   3/30/2011 at 10:04 (4,946 days old) by Automatic-Shift ()        

It seems all too often, especially on ebay designation of what is, what is not vintage. Well, I'm in agreement with Fred and would say at this point 1991 and earlier is vintage; 20 years is about right. However, many people believe 2007 is vintage! Anyway, I think having 'wings' for the site would help it be more organized for example, a 1970's wing that has divisions by brands like Hoover. And, maybe one for 2000's and beyond. I don't know, a thought. Ron

Post# 332822 , Reply# 20   8/30/2015 at 15:53 (3,331 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        

Just a moment ago at a local Goodwill. Powered up at the store except the Pn. I will have it on the bench in the moring to check it out.

Love the Chrome, has a couple of tiny dings and some scratches. Pn, hose and canister only. I am sure I have the matching floor, uphostery brush. I have a chrome wand, but need one more....I think. I will know more later.

Post# 333266 , Reply# 21   9/4/2015 at 20:51 (3,326 days old) by fantomfan57 (Central Texas)        
Celebrity Commercial

Hi Folks,
got the vacuum cleaned, replaced the nozzle arm and resealed the bottom plating to the bottom. I will take pictures this weekend. Had to scrounge up a couple of chrome wands, but I already had the floor & dusting brush.

Post# 333271 , Reply# 22   9/4/2015 at 21:47 (3,326 days old) by blknblu (CT)        

20 years ago was 1995, soon to be 1996 in a few months.

That would also be 15 years later than 1980.

Who would have thought? Dang, I'm getting old.


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