Thread Number: 12046
Cadillac Quik-Vac bag
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Post# 129039   3/26/2011 at 22:39 (5,044 days old) by gmerkt (Edmonds WA)        

Here's a picture of something I stumbled across in my travels. This is the bag from a Cadillac Quik-Vac, and I don't know anything about that product. The bag has a heavy aluminum lock ring for the inflow, and to empty it has a keeper on the top when removed exposes an emptying hole with spring steel stays in it. This one is dirty but the fabric doesn't appear to be rotted or torn.

Post# 129042 , Reply# 1   3/26/2011 at 22:44 (5,044 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        


Cadillac made some cool vacuums. 2 local shops have a few of them. One is from the mid 30s. Very art deco looking. Kirby fan design, but opposite bag side if I recall. Had CADILLAC running vertically with a waterfall striping pattern. Very nice.

Your logo looks a bit more modern. Maybe 40s or so. Its a hand vac bag of course.

Post# 129078 , Reply# 2   3/27/2011 at 01:54 (5,044 days old) by gmerkt (Edmonds WA)        

I looked up the company on the internet and they are still in business. This bag may not be as old as it looks. The Quik-Vac is an industrial type machine and doesn't look anything like a household or commercial vac. The bags they make now don't look much different than this one, only different graphics.

Post# 129087 , Reply# 3   3/27/2011 at 06:51 (5,044 days old) by kenkart ()        

Is a newer bag, the old Quick Vac was a swivel top canister, when they discontinued it ,they started calling there very good combination blower vacuum a Quic Vac! wish I had hose and attachments for mine!

Post# 129659 , Reply# 4   3/29/2011 at 04:28 (5,042 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

The bag shown is used on the Cadillac Blower-vacuum units.The machine can be used as a blower for cleaning or inflating-or you put the hose attachement on the blowers intake-then put the above bag on the blower discharge opening.a sling can be attached to the blower to make it a "hip vacuum" of sorts.I have one.Grainger sells them.and the Cadillac company sells the blower vacs and a wet-dry vacuum that uses the blower as the suction unit on the tank lid with the bag on the discharge of the blower to act as a final filter.when used as a vacuum-the 10A motors are VERY powerful.You have to be careful-one time I was vacuuming with mine and it picked up a small screw-the force of the motor blowing it into the bag--blew it THRU the bag!I bought a new bag from Graingers.when you use the machine as a blower-a screen fits over the fans air intake and a nozzle goes over the discharge opening.

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