Thread Number: 12022
Roll O Waxer
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Post# 128792   3/25/2011 at 18:25 (5,005 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        

What is the thing for and how does it work?, And when was it made/discontinued and will someone upload a picture of one?

Post# 128809 , Reply# 1   3/25/2011 at 19:09 (5,005 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

The rollowaxer was used to apply wax on the floor for buffing. It was on a long pole, and looked very much like a paint roller on the end. It sat in a plastic tube.

Kirby had a version that was a flat pan that you connected a pole to, that sat in a dish when not used.

Im sure there -may- be stuff like it out there today for floor polishers, but not really 100% on that.

Post# 128817 , Reply# 2   3/25/2011 at 20:05 (5,005 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        
Can a picture be put up

If all possible can a picture of one of these be put up? If anyone has a Roll O Waxer please upload a picture.

Post# 128820 , Reply# 3   3/25/2011 at 20:17 (5,005 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Ask and you shall receive!

Not mine. :)

Post# 128821 , Reply# 4   3/25/2011 at 20:21 (5,005 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

And it appears you can still buy the roller!


Post# 128825 , Reply# 5   3/25/2011 at 20:32 (5,005 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        
Interesting part

This is cool, but I think the Miracle waxer that can be bought for G Series models is a lot easier to use and you can remove the roll and put it back in it's packaging.

Post# 128833 , Reply# 6   3/25/2011 at 20:52 (5,005 days old) by henry200 (Saint Paul MN)        

I'm not totally sure but I think my mother had a Roll O Waxer briefly back around 1960 or so. It was for applying liquid wax on linoleum floors and might have been sold alongside the Johnson's wax in stores. Try searching through vintage advertisements for household products.

Basically it was a broom handle with a quart sized dispenser near the bottom which fed the wax out onto a rolling pad, much like a paint roller. I remember there was a hood over the top of the roller to supposedly prevent splashing as you rolled it back and forth. I don't think Mom used it for long. I think it was too much of a hassle to clean up after using it. Mom didn't use the liquid wax applicator on her Montgomery Ward buffer for the same reason.

Post# 128936 , Reply# 7   3/26/2011 at 12:39 (5,004 days old) by jfalberti (Visalia, CA)        
Hey Brandon,

jfalberti's profile picture
The waxer you have pictured is a Handi-Waxer that Kirby replaced the Rollo Waxer with around the time the Sanitronic came out. To use the Handi Waxer, one would put a pouch of Kirby Carnuba (sp?) in the waxer, and slit it open with a knife at the bottom. The cap was used to keep the wax from drying out between waxings. The canister wands were reversed (straight wand on top, curved wand on the bottom) and inserted into the top of the waxer to make the handle. The user would step lightly on the top of the waxer to squeeze out the desired amount of wax, and then apply it to the floor. One would then attach the Miracle Head to the Kirby and buff the wax out to a beautiful shine. I've seen pictures of the Rollo Waxer in older instruction books, but never actually saw one in person.

Post# 128940 , Reply# 8   3/26/2011 at 13:06 (5,004 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        

That's an interesting part. I have a Classic III Handi Waxer, but the wax is all dried up :(.

Post# 128942 , Reply# 9   3/26/2011 at 14:04 (5,004 days old) by jfalberti (Visalia, CA)        
Well Jayson,

jfalberti's profile picture
It's probably the original wax pouch, and for a Classic III, it is almost 35 years old now. :-) It's only natural.

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