Thread Number: 12013
Found a Hoover Convertible 707
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Post# 128658   3/24/2011 at 23:24 (5,006 days old) by gmerkt (Edmonds WA)        

I've run across lots of Convertibles in my travels, but I'm not often tempted to pick one up. Usually, it's a matter of condition as the ones I see are mostly ratty. A few days ago, I was in a local vac store that takes in lots of trade-ins (as well as does their own dumpster-diving) and saw this thing for sale for $10.

This is a Model 707. I believe it has a later bag on it, as the one on it isn't the green plaid. It's probably a replacement unless someone can tell me differently. The weird color of this machine is what got my attention.

My dad was an air force officer and when I was a kid, I used to go down to the flight line once in a while on weekends. I've been kicked out of a few planes on those visits, and crawling around in old WW2 vintage places, this color was seen a lot. It's called zinc chromate, which was applied as a preservative for the insides of the aluminum skins.

So the green color on this Convertible looks quite a bit like zinc chromate.

This vac is in pretty good condition, with some wear and tear and scratching on it. No corrosion, minimum of filth, outer bag was clean, and I like that this one takes a disposable top fill bag unlike the older Convertibles which take the bottom fill bag.

After I graduated from high school, I shortly moved into my own apartment, the first place I had on my own. Nice one bedroom, $85 a month. One thing I needed was a vacuum, and I barely remember buying one, but it musta been a Convertible because it had the fat O-ring drive belt and a spring doughnut which held the bottom-fill bag in place. I didn't have it long, because less than a year later I was in the army and had to vacate the apartment. Most of the contents I gave away, including the vac.

Well anyway, this is the only Convertible that I have in my line-up and it will probably be just a representative piece. I won't go out of my way to find more, but if a good one comes my way I won't turn my back on it.

Post# 128659 , Reply# 1   3/24/2011 at 23:26 (5,006 days old) by gmerkt (Edmonds WA)        
More 707

Detail of top of bag.

Post# 128660 , Reply# 2   3/24/2011 at 23:26 (5,006 days old) by gmerkt (Edmonds WA)        
More 707

Detail of hood/nozzle.

Post# 128661 , Reply# 3   3/24/2011 at 23:27 (5,006 days old) by gmerkt (Edmonds WA)        
Still more 707

Bottom of machine.

Post# 128666 , Reply# 4   3/24/2011 at 23:44 (5,006 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

That's in my opinion, one of the ugliest cleaners that Hoover ever made. But it's ugly in that train-wreck/70's sort of way. Snot green with that crazy pattern bag.. I just can't stop looking at them whenever one is in my presence..! That's the reason I picked one up when I had the chance, however I haven't had it unpacked since I lived in Milwaukee in 2007. Hoover made that model for many years. It was a promotional model; full bumper, no handle grip, headlight, old (by then) style hood, long cord, snap bag...

I thought I had the spec-sheet for that cleaner sccanned and saved on my computer, but I can't find it. I'll have to look for it this weekend and see if I have it in one of my binders. I did, however, find a picture of my 707 that I took a few years ago.

Thanks for sharing! Also -- you take really, really nice pictures of your vacuums! Good skill! :-)


Post# 128778 , Reply# 5   3/25/2011 at 17:53 (5,005 days old) by pinkge (Indianapolis,Indiana)        

I am have that same vac.All orig. and is a good vaccum.Love the pea green and plaid bag.

Post# 128827 , Reply# 6   3/25/2011 at 20:40 (5,005 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
It certainly isa "billous color

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
I have 3... and one's original box. I'd never bash calling a HOOVER ugly, but, it is unique. It wouldn't be the first one out of the palace in a fire, BUT, you "gottahaveahoover!

Post# 128830 , Reply# 7   3/25/2011 at 20:42 (5,005 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        
Not crazy about this one

Not really into that paticular model of Convertible and not into the color to be honest. Would be nice if could find a nice blue or an orange one somewere.

Post# 128907 , Reply# 8   3/26/2011 at 07:28 (5,004 days old) by sanimatic ()        
promotional model

I should know this, but for what ever reason, I don't. What was a "promotional" model?

Post# 128929 , Reply# 9   3/26/2011 at 12:16 (5,004 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        
And one that made it over the pond.....

Hey Guys

I got this a few years back from a great guy over there :)- its one of the nicest condition cleaners in my collection and I think it sums up the 70s!!!


Post# 128931 , Reply# 10   3/26/2011 at 12:17 (5,004 days old) by SeamusUK (Dover Kent UK)        
I then managed to make it complete....

With a tool set and manual from Ebay.....

Post# 128934 , Reply# 11   3/26/2011 at 12:25 (5,004 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
It's in great shape!. It DOES sum up the '70s, indeed. Glad to see one from "over here" get "over there". I got one (have the original box) as a promo... $64.00 including the basic 1031 tools, in 1976. I admit, not the best bag, but.... I found it odd that they would make the base, handle, and hood monochromatic, after all those years. But, hey....

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