Thread Number: 12009
A Canadian Masterpiece - And A Dream Machine Finally Obtained!!
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Post# 128596   3/24/2011 at 19:41 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
As webmaster I received endless emails regarding old vacuums that people had inquiring about what their old vacuum was worth and if I was interested. Invariably, these were beat-up machines that needed to go to the curb. In fact, now that I think about it, I never received an email about a machine worth pursuing, until I decided to consider turning over the helm of the site to Fred S. I considered it an omen. In any event I received an email with some pictures and almost fainted when I opened it up. It was a Canadian Electrolux Model 88 in pristine condition. Apparently a gentleman had lost his Mom and was cleaning out her house. Here is one of the pictures.

Post# 128598 , Reply# 1   3/24/2011 at 19:47 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
His Email

compactelectra's profile picture
Simply stated: "Any interest in this machine?" Any interest! I have been looking for one of these red Canadian Luxes ever since I spied one on the floor of the Electrolux Branch in Van Nuys California. I used to visit that branch and the one on Highland in LA all the time. I had never seen a Canadian Lux and almost peed in my pants when I saw it. It wasn't until I joined this club that I realized it was a Canadian model. In any event you can imagine my excitement when I saw the pictures. Having been around the block a few times I realized seeing the pictures and having the machine in my possession took a leap of faith. We emailed back and forth and settled on a price and he agreed to ship it. My final email stated, please pack it well. In the meantime, I emailed Dave Kerr and asked his opinion. In short he stated in so many words I would be a fool to pass it up. Well, the box arrived today. Here is a shot opening it up.

Post# 128599 , Reply# 2   3/24/2011 at 19:49 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
The Seller

compactelectra's profile picture
Packed it well, and the machine has definitely lived up to the sellers representation. I was amazed how fast it arrived, but not at the outrageous price to ship from Canada to Chicago. Out of the box.

Post# 128600 , Reply# 3   3/24/2011 at 19:53 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
It is Completely Original

compactelectra's profile picture
And in pristine condtion. It looks as though it was bought, used a few times and then stored away. I conferred with Dave about my concerns regarding the viability of the hose. Guess what? No leaks! How lucky is that! Dave said it might arrive in that condition. The original tool caddy and instruction manual was included. The cord and plug are intact and in good condition. Just a bit of cleaning up and this machine will be like brand new. Only thing missing is the original box. The instruction manual came in a plastic cover.

This post was last edited 03/24/2011 at 20:13
Post# 128601 , Reply# 4   3/24/2011 at 19:54 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
The instruction manual deserves a thread of its own. This is incredible. The cover.

Post# 128602 , Reply# 5   3/24/2011 at 19:55 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
The Back Cover

compactelectra's profile picture

Post# 128603 , Reply# 6   3/24/2011 at 19:56 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
The Guarantee Page

compactelectra's profile picture
With original owner, dealer and sales date.

Post# 128605 , Reply# 7   3/24/2011 at 19:57 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
Back Cover

Post# 128606 , Reply# 8   3/24/2011 at 19:58 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
Extra Accesories pages.

Post# 128607 , Reply# 9   3/24/2011 at 20:00 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
In Any Event

compactelectra's profile picture
A happy ending. Couldn't be more thrilled. This will be one of the prizes of my collection. Like stepping back in time. I only wish I could order some of those accesories. Any Canadian feedback about this machine would be welcomed.


Post# 128608 , Reply# 10   3/24/2011 at 20:04 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
It came with the original sales receipt as well. Won't scan that for privacy reasons but it appears similar to the American Electrolux sales agreement on pink paper. Paid $149.50, less $25.00 trade-in plus an $8.50 carrying charge with $10.00 monthly installments. Being the finance guy, I am tempted to calculate the imputed interest rate, but will leave that for later.

Post# 128612 , Reply# 11   3/24/2011 at 20:20 (5,046 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

That is simply fantastic Fred.

I don't think I've ever seen one that looked that great.



Post# 128613 , Reply# 12   3/24/2011 at 20:25 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
I Sent the Seller

compactelectra's profile picture
An email, letting him know that I received the machine in good condition. From Mrs. J. Mezey's son:

Hi Fred
We are glad you are happy with it and I know it will be happy in its new home.

All the best
Steve and Michele

Post# 128615 , Reply# 13   3/24/2011 at 20:34 (5,046 days old) by petek (Ontario)        

Yay. I just love the red 88's, I actually prefer the red to the green 89. Not being a green person. The hose with mine is still in almost new condition as well, they must have used a good batch of something for the red hoses.

It looks like you have red wands? Mine are chrome like in the picture on the brochure .. that might need some explaining from Doug who seems to be the Cdn Electrolux expert

BTW I can mail you a replacement filter for the rear end exhaust if you'd like. Let me know

Post# 128617 , Reply# 14   3/24/2011 at 20:58 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
Thanks Pete

compactelectra's profile picture
I was going to get to cleaning it up this weekend and get at that filter. I was going to ask if they still sold them or if I would have to hunt for originals. Any help would be appreciated. From the manual. Infers that this machine would work well in the OR.

Post# 128619 , Reply# 15   3/24/2011 at 21:02 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
I saw a picture of Helen and Ida in this manual. Don't know how it got there. Here is a picture of Helen when she baby-sat Ida as a child!

Post# 128620 , Reply# 16   3/24/2011 at 21:04 (5,046 days old) by luxg ()        

Congratulations Fred, that is one beautiful machine. Those extra attachments available are unreal. To my knowledge we never had anything like many of those here.

Post# 128621 , Reply# 17   3/24/2011 at 21:06 (5,046 days old) by sireluxomatic ()        

Big congratulations on the wonderful find, Fred. Truly my favorite Electrolux (along with the 2nd version of it), and this one appears to have dropped intact and unused into your house straight from the late 50's/early 60's. The red wand I believe would have come with the 2nd 88 in the mid-60's, but who cares? It's awesome!

Re: filters. Last time I was at the local Aerus dealer, was told they no longer made the 80 series filters, but that might vary from place to place. I ended up buying a couple of Renaissance filters and cutting them to fit.

Post# 128623 , Reply# 18   3/24/2011 at 21:26 (5,046 days old) by Elux89 ()        
Series 80 filters still available


Aerus still has the 80 series filters available in Canada, part number #30162 if memory is correct. They come in packages of two.

An Aerus dealer in the US might be able to order these for you. Some US parts aren't available to Canadian dealers, so I don't know if this is the same in the US.


Post# 128628 , Reply# 19   3/24/2011 at 21:45 (5,046 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        
Next best thing to New In Box!

aeoliandave's profile picture
Oh Fred, you're gonna win Best Canadian Original at the Convention with that! Maybe clean-sweep the entire Original Class...

Makes mine look tawdry with their scuffs & bumps and scrapes.

Yes, shipping cross border is horrendous these days and the main reason I don't bid on ebay anymore unless it's within driving distance for pick up.

A few interesting tidbits:
Yours, as you know is a version 1 Model 88 made from 1957 through early 1961. Bumpers and the red telescopic were added for the Version 2 made from 1961 through late 1967 when the green 87 & 89 were introduced.

The Oct 1965 date on yours - and the (absolutely pristine!!!) red telescopic wand - suggests it was a left over overstock item optioned out with current upgrades for Mrs. Mezey. And of course sold to her in her home - door to door sales.

The Bill of Sale shows a trade-in of $25? Let's guess that Mrs. Mezey traded in her 1953 Model Z54 'Loaf'. :-)

Remarkably strong and hushed vacuums, the 80s.
My 88 V2 has some problems but the 88 V2, 86 V1&2 and 83 all pull between 70" and 77".


This post was last edited 03/24/2011 at 22:27
Post# 128631 , Reply# 20   3/24/2011 at 21:55 (5,046 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        
Type C Bags?

eurekastar's profile picture
That is a beautiful vacuum! I really like its monochromatic color scheme with some off-white accents. Does it use the same Type C bags that are used in U. S. models? Very, very nice! Congratulations!

Post# 128633 , Reply# 21   3/24/2011 at 22:13 (5,046 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
The first thing I did was pop in an American C bag. Fits like a glove. That's one of the beauty's of these machines.


PS - More pictures to follow.

Post# 128634 , Reply# 22   3/24/2011 at 22:14 (5,046 days old) by dial-a-nap (Omaha - the home of the TV Dinner)        

dial-a-nap's profile picture
Beautiful, Fred! It really is in remarkable condition - does it smell new?

I had one of these I bought in Phoenix at a thrift store way back in the 80's and they were excellent machines.

"as pure as mountain air or sea coast..."

Good thing, little girls STINK! ;-)

Post# 128657 , Reply# 23   3/24/2011 at 23:23 (5,046 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Wow! That's almost too beautiful for words! I can't wait to see it in person! You must bring that to the convention in September!

Post# 128662 , Reply# 24   3/24/2011 at 23:31 (5,046 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hey Fred:

Beautiful machine.

The serial number on the manual indicates that the machine was made in 1960 (starts with a zero). It is unusual that it wasnt sold till 65. The wand is from the newer model (It should have had two steel wands to make it original) and the dusting brush is from the newer machine as well (the early 88's all had metal tops on them - first ones chrome with a red bumper then painted red with a white bumper). The plastic top came out with the later (bumpered) style of 88.

I suspect it was old stock that had had parts robbed from it that were replaced when the new style ones came in. It was definately a clear out price as the model 86 (with bumper) sold for $159.50 at that time (I dont have a price for the 88)

Incidentally - the C used to designate the bags now just designates Cannister, U was Upright and R was Renaissance.

Post# 128683 , Reply# 25   3/25/2011 at 01:10 (5,046 days old) by a007kirbyman (--->> Originally My Mom <<--- (now Wisconsin))        
Fred & the '88' Lux...

a007kirbyman's profile picture
"...Any Canadian feedback about this machine would be welcomed...."

Hello Fred.

I know you said you'd welcome feedback from any Canadians...

...however, I'm going to ignore that, like other NON-Canadians have above. ~~lol~~

I'm not really 'into' 'other' brands, however I feel deeply compelled to say WWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! That is an incredible acquisition you have there!

(I have not said anything before, [shame on me]; however, I have had my eye on a couple of the red Luxes that others have posted! (ie: Dave Kerr, etc. ---->>> BEWARE!!!) THEY HAVE BEEN VERY NICE AS WELL!!! :-))

Fred, you should BEWARE now as well, I've heard of these two characters down in GA & FL. One might sneak it out in a 'crevice' & the other may may attempt the same in 'waffle batter.' So I've heard, from a in-the-know spy. ~~lol~~

And thank you again for all you've done for & with the VCCC. As long as I've been here, you've done a fantastic job as webmaster. You have left some wonderful shoes for Fred S to fill.

I would be hard pressed to think this Lux has ended up with a more deserving person. My hat's tipped to you. I wish you well working with the newsletters.


Cheers & hagn/d all,


Post# 128686 , Reply# 26   3/25/2011 at 01:39 (5,046 days old) by uprightman ()        
So, was Helen reading the CANADIAN ELECTROLUX STORY to Ida..


Allow me to add my 'Congratulations' on this EXTRAORDINARY find. Even the BOXES are beautiful!

And what a thoughtful email to get from Steve and Michele. You HAVE to know that they are thrilled that this machine is appreciated and will be treasured.

Thank you for letting us know about it - AND for the photos.


...And to Mrs. J Mezey - wherever you might be - CHEERS!!

...Whilst I am at it - HERE'S to Larry Hill the Electrolux Dealer as well!

This post was last edited 03/25/2011 at 05:46
Post# 128691 , Reply# 27   3/25/2011 at 03:03 (5,046 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        




Post# 128696 , Reply# 28   3/25/2011 at 04:16 (5,046 days old) by williamr1248 (USA)        
A Canadain Masterpiece

The title of the thread says it all-A Canadian Masterpiece.
What a wonderful machine and the instruction book is so detailed. Very excited for you. That machine has found a wonderful new home. Congratulations to you.
You can bring that to Fishers ANYTIME!

Post# 128698 , Reply# 29   3/25/2011 at 05:16 (5,046 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        
That is just to pretty to believe!

arh1953's profile picture
Whatever it was worth, consider it your parting gift for your service to the club! Notice how the color went so well with Mrs. Meazy's floor too. I would like to move into her house, or the house the model is vacuuming in.

Post# 128700 , Reply# 30   3/25/2011 at 07:05 (5,046 days old) by kenkart ()        

And it is about a month younger than I am....Wish I had been taken that good of care of LOL...Beautiful, I really would like to find some European machines, they are scarce here!

Post# 128703 , Reply# 31   3/25/2011 at 08:32 (5,045 days old) by scvacuumguy (SC)        
Canadian Feedback???!!!

scvacuumguy's profile picture
From my Canadian partner in, my grandparents had one like that. Its a pretty cool looking vacuum, eh? We should get something like that for the store, eh?

Fred you lucky duck- that machine looks gorgeous, we are planning to take a thrifting and antiquing expedition in Canada just to find one like that this summer.

Post# 128987 , Reply# 32   3/26/2011 at 17:28 (5,044 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
Had a chance to clean it up. Literally all it needed was a dusting. This puppy was hardly used or used very gently. Cleaned up like new. First, the tools.

Post# 128988 , Reply# 33   3/26/2011 at 17:30 (5,044 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
One of my favorite rug tools of all time. The XXX style updated. Those old XXX bumpers are inevitably deteriorated. They updated them for this one and they are perfect. This is a beauty.

Post# 128990 , Reply# 34   3/26/2011 at 17:31 (5,044 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
The Machine

compactelectra's profile picture
Like out of the box.

Post# 128991 , Reply# 35   3/26/2011 at 17:32 (5,044 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
The Glam Shot

Post# 128992 , Reply# 36   3/26/2011 at 17:32 (5,044 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
Going to Minneapolis!

Post# 129002 , Reply# 37   3/26/2011 at 18:13 (5,044 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Fred, I sure hope you'll post some YouTube videos of this machine running. Have you turned it on yet? This may be hard to believe, but it's even quieter than a Model G, as long as it has a filter in the rear end.

And btw, it's the same filter that was used in the LX, LXI, E and E-A. So if you have any of those U.S.-made filters, they will work just fine.

And, also, yes, as you discovered, standard "Type C" bags fit the machine. The Canadian bags are identical, other than the printing on the tops of course.

Post# 129020 , Reply# 38   3/26/2011 at 21:23 (5,044 days old) by luxg ()        

Beautiful Fred, Just beautiful!!

Post# 129029 , Reply# 39   3/26/2011 at 22:00 (5,044 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
Fabulous, Fred. Your reward for a great Webmaster job well done. I can't wait to see this wonderful vacuum in Minneapolis! BTW...I love Helen's sexy pumps in that picture....

Post# 129732 , Reply# 40   3/29/2011 at 17:58 (5,041 days old) by uprightman ()        
Just HAD to check see this MAGNIFICENT machine....


Thank you for sharing the "clean-up" photos...this Electrolux just keeps getting better and better.

Looking at the rug and floor nozzles, I have to tell you that the connector ends are really cool - what with the thumb-tab (I'm suspecting) and that "space" between the nozzle and connecting "ring".

And the attachment behind the rug nozzle in your picture, is that the de-mothing tool?

Now, perhaps you can answer a burning question that I ALL of the Electrolux manuals I have seen, the "Lady of The House" manages to "caress" herself with the vacuum hose around her waist-line - with the machine off to the side -- along with that little "tilt" of her ankle whilst "luxxing"...and it was NEVER more evident than the photo from your '88 model...have you been able to do that? And if so, how?! I always manage to get tangled up in the hose when I "drape" it around me...and my ankle(s) get tired....will there be a demonstration at the convention?

So glad that you gave us the shots of this C-C-Classic in all its glory! Thanks!


Post# 129745 , Reply# 41   3/29/2011 at 19:13 (5,041 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
That is indeed the demothing tool. I have scanned the pages that give the instructions for use, including the fabulous "Garment-Aire" bag.

With respect to caressing myself with the hose, well, I can do it but can't explain how. Just takes some practice, I guess!

Post# 129755 , Reply# 42   3/29/2011 at 19:50 (5,041 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
Charles - I consider myself totally up to speed technologically, but have to figure out how to capture a video for You Tube. I think my Droid can do it, but will need some assistance demonstrating the machine. Those filters are still available from Canada. Just have to remember to order them.

Post# 129765 , Reply# 43   3/29/2011 at 20:28 (5,041 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        
Sorry for the late response:

But in the words of Peter Griffin, HOLY CRAP!


Post# 129773 , Reply# 44   3/29/2011 at 21:04 (5,041 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
Equally fascinating to me is that this 1957 manual offers as optional accessories both the Junior Floor Polisher in silvergray hammertone and the Turb-O-Tool Power Unit and Polisher Base (reply #8 above).

Also, on Page 24 with the Pet Grooming tips is a reversed negative photograph - note the side trim lettering - of two babies with an American LX.

Curious that a single obvious American stock photo was used in such a beautifully printed all-Canadian manual; not the sort of glaring error one would expect.
The 1961 Version Two manual eliminates many of the pages includng the American LX photo, shows fewer additional option tools and features the new PN-1 rather than the Junior Polisher and Turb-O-Tool.


Post# 129804 , Reply# 45   3/29/2011 at 22:50 (5,041 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

That makes me wonder if the LX was ever sold in Canada? Doug, do you know??

I will say, I've never seen this photo in any U.S. Electrolux literature anywhere.

Post# 129818 , Reply# 46   3/29/2011 at 23:40 (5,041 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hey Charlie:

Yes the LX was sold in Canada briefly as was the AE. Pretty much it was just a test run to see how the new ideas (disposable bags, mechanical brain etc) would go over here before they incorporated them into the Canadian designs. (The 80 series machines which used these designs didnt come out till 1957) Interesting side note is that the AE was sold here with a full set of attachements, not the combination ones as they were only sold with the bottom of the line Z54. A top of the line vacuum was expected to come with a full set of attachments and a kit to keep them handy. I've included a scan of the instruction book leaflet for comparison.


Post# 129842 , Reply# 47   3/30/2011 at 01:44 (5,041 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Thx for the info -- I knew the Automatic E was sold there (with Canadian-style attachments -- wonder how they explained what the dusting clip on top was for!), but did not know the LX was, also.

Post# 129919 , Reply# 48   3/30/2011 at 18:45 (5,040 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
We always had the same clip on the 80 series for the small nozzle

Post# 129945 , Reply# 49   3/30/2011 at 21:02 (5,040 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
There is Definitely

compactelectra's profile picture
Something odd about this machine. Now that I look at the manual, I see some distinct differences from the machine I have. The tools are distinctly different. I can understand the tools being different, but in this case, the machine is different from the manual. Two unique differences. First the plug end of the cord is like the later 89 with a bumper. Also the manual doesn't show a tool clip on it, yet my machine definitely has one. The pictures above also show no tool clip. Interesting. I wouldn't wonder about that except that Doug indicates that the machine was manufactured in 1960. Kind of wonder if it wasn't some kind of prototype??

Post# 129960 , Reply# 50   3/30/2011 at 21:49 (5,040 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
I've often wondered why that plug was in the picture myself. The molded plug you have on yours is the original with all the 80 series machines. The one in the picture is a removable (replacement) plug that was sold by Electrolux Canada to replace the broken plugs. It always seemed strange that they would use that for the picture. The only thing I can think of is that the book was done with a prototype and they hadnt started to make the new style moulded plugs yet.

You'll also notice that the sprayer is different. The red plastic one was designed for the model 88 /86 /83 run and shown in the manual yet 3/4 of the ones I have come across have the old style chrome sprayer. The only thing I can think of is that the factory had a large surplus of the chrome ones and they used them with the machines till they ran out.

The accessory clip is a strange matter as some had it and some didnt. I havnt found anything to explain that one.

The rug nozzle, floor nozzle, wand and dusting brush are definately from the post 1963 models of 86/88 as the bumpered machine is when the plastic dusting brush, telescopic wand and spring clip rug and floor nozzle came out. Yet the accessory kit and vaporizer are definately from the 1957-63 model.


Post# 129968 , Reply# 51   3/30/2011 at 22:20 (5,040 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
As Doug can tell us the one manual covered all the years of the version 1, as did the manual for version 2 (which states it also applies for the models ZB86 and 186 that do not include the Mechanical Brain Feature).

Gosh Fred, since yours was assembled in the last year of the 4 year production run before the Bumpers came out in 1961 it makes sense these improvements are there.

The clip is a simple add-on under the top trim screwbolt and the plug stopper bulb was probably added early on in the run. Being it is hollow rubber it acts as a shock absorber when the cord lashes back into the reel, which effectively prevents shearing action on the plug (to our everlasting gratitude).

If your machine was not Dealer upgraded for sale in 1965, perhaps it was factory boxed with these latest features including the new telescopic wand, floor tool elbows & red plastic dusting brush, and languished on the storeroom NOS shelves while the newer bumpered version 2s were flying off the shelves. :-)
Here's a plausible backstory for ya...and I'm sticking to it. LOL
When Mrs or Mr Mezey's time came to purchase a new cleaner in 1965 there were no version 2s in stock and they were offered this deal on the version 1.


Post# 132127 , Reply# 52   4/12/2011 at 22:03 (5,027 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        

compactelectra's profile picture
I got some filters for this machine. They are still available from Aerus Canada, but these are NOS from a dealer in Canada. Put it in the machine and checked it out. You are right Charles, with the filter, these machines rival the American XXX for sound - very quiet. The filter I took out only had carbon dust on it. Checking out the hose by holding my hand over the wand end of the hose and checking the exhaust showed that the hose leaks not at all. What a find!

This post was last edited 04/13/2011 at 05:14
Post# 132129 , Reply# 53   4/12/2011 at 22:09 (5,027 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
Marvelous, Fred.

What dealer is that? I have a few but it would be nice to order up a lifetime supply.

'Keep the woolly side up' - love it.


Post# 134114 , Reply# 54   4/25/2011 at 21:00 (5,014 days old) by LillyLux (Oklahoma City)        
Aeolian's find and preserving heritage!

Someone told me once that traded in Lux's were destroyed at the Electrolux factory in the days of consolidated foods. That is not official information--just what I heard, and that is one of the reasons I like to "rescue" Old Luxes like we all love. And, Aeolian's lovely name reminded me of another Aeolian--the Aeolian Skinner pipe organ that was in our little Cathedral in Oklahoma City until the Oklahoma City bombing destroyed it.
When I saw the pic of your Canadian Electrolux it was breathtaking. I piece of precious heritage handed to you lovingly by the universe. I hope that you enjoy it for decades. These days pillagers and phillistines are destroying our landscapes and creating landfill that will never break down into the earth. Back in the day, appliances were built to last forever, and to be handed down, and were earth friendly. We must bring back those days.

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