Thread Number: 12007
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Post# 128578   3/24/2011 at 18:27 (4,960 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        

Where can i locate a Dual Sanitronic 80? I'd also like to find an original bag for it.
Any help would be appreciated,

Post# 128582 , Reply# 1   3/24/2011 at 18:35 (4,960 days old) by Brandon_W_T ()        

Craigslist, Ebay, vacuumland! There are a lot out there.

Original bags can be bought on ebay as well.

Here is mine that i had completely restored with all new parts. The motor, trim, metal fan, bag and stuff are all new.

Post# 128586 , Reply# 2   3/24/2011 at 18:44 (4,960 days old) by a007kirbyman (--->> Originally My Mom <<--- (now Wisconsin))        
Jayson & Kirby D80...

a007kirbyman's profile picture
Hello Jayson.

The machine itself I am not able to assist you with; however, the Genuine Kirby green bags I have & can help you with.

Brand new, these are $21.62 each + s/h, depending on what else you would order.

Let me know if I may assist you.

Cheers & hagd all,


Post# 128638 , Reply# 3   3/24/2011 at 22:31 (4,960 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        

Thank you Bill i'll look into it.

Post# 128708 , Reply# 4   3/25/2011 at 09:58 (4,959 days old) by sleepdoc (St. Louis, MO)        
Marty Kaplan

sleepdoc's profile picture
Contact Marty Kaplan, who uses this forum. He has a talent for acquiring and perfectly restoring to new condition Kirby vacuums, especially the DS80. My DS80 came from Marty with brand new original parts, including the entire bag assembly.

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